How to reorder the keys of a dictionary?


I have multiple dictionaries inside the list. I want to sort the dictionary with the custom key. In my case, I want to sort it using Date key. By that, I mean to move the Date key to the first position. What is the efficient way to sort the dictionary using Date key?

PS: I don’t want to sort by the value of the Date.


Expected output:

Asked By: Muhaddis



You cannot sort a dictinary because dictionaries have no order.

Answered By: One Nose

If you are using a Python version that preserves key insertion order (i.e. 3.7 or newer) you can do this:

print([{"Date": di["Date"], **di} for di in my_list])
     'Date': '2020-07-01', 
     'AmazonS3': 6.54, 
     'AmazonEC2': 27.55, 
     'AmazonCloudWatch': 0.51
     'Date': '2020-07-02', 
     'AmazonEC2': 27.8
     'Date': '2020-07-03', 
     'AmazonElastiCache': 0.01,  
     'AmazonEC2': 35.34
Answered By: Asocia

I believe you can use OrderedDict’s move_to_end to do this.

dict = OrderedDict.fromkeys("qwerty")
dict.move_to_end("t", last=False)
Answered By: Spaceglider