sqlalchemy when does an object become "not persistent"


I have a function that has a semi-long running session that I use for a bunch of database rows… and at a certain point I want to reload or "refresh" one of the rows to make sure none of the state has changed. most of the time this code works fine, but every now and then I get this error

sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Instance '<Event at 0x58cb790>' is not persistent within this Session

I’ve been reading up on state but cannot understand why an object would stop being persistent? I’m still within a session, so I’m not sure why I would stop being persistent.

Can someone explain what could cause my object to be "not persistent" within the session? I’m not doing any writing to the object prior to this point.

db_event below is the object that is becoming "not persistent"

async def event_white_check_mark_handler(
    self: Events, ctx, channel: TextChannel, member: discord.Member, message: Message
    This reaction is for completing an event
    session = database_objects.SESSION()
        message_id = message.id
        db_event = self.get_event(session, message_id)
        if not db_event:
        logger.debug(f"{member.display_name} wants to complete an event {db_event.id}")
        db_guild = await db.get_or_create(
            session, db.Guild, name=channel.guild.name, discord_id=channel.guild.id
        db_member = await db.get_or_create(
        db_scheduler_config: db.SchedulerConfig = (
            .filter(db.SchedulerConfig.guild_id == channel.guild.id)
        # reasons to not complete the event
        if len(db_event) == 0:
            await channel.send(
                f"{member.display_name} you cannot complete an event with no one on it!"
        elif (
            db_member.discord_id == db_event.creator_id
            or await db_scheduler_config.check_permission(
                ctx, db_event.event_name, member, db_scheduler_config.MODIFY
            async with self.EVENT_LOCKS[db_event.id]:
                session.refresh(db_event)                ###########  <---- right here is when I get the error thrown
                db_event.status = const.COMPLETED

            member_list = ",".join(
                    lambda x: x not in const.MEMBER_FIELD_DEFAULT,
                    [str(x.mention) for x in db_event.members],
            await channel.send(f"Congrats on completing a event {member_list}!")
            logger.info(f"Congrats on completing a event {member_list}!")
            # await self.stop_tracking_event(db_event)
            del self.REMINDERS_BY_EVENT_ID[db_event.id]

            await channel.send(
                f"{member.display_name} you did not create this event and do not have permission to delete the event!"
            logger.warning(f"{member.display_name} you did not create this event!")
    except Exception as _e:
Asked By: bravosierra99



I am fairly certain that the root cause in this case is a race condition. Using a scoped session in its default configuration manages scope based on the thread only. Using coroutines on top can mean that 2 or more end up sharing the same session, and in case of event_white_check_mark_handler they then race to commit/rollback and to remove the session from the scoped session registry, effectively closing it and expunging all remaining instances from the now-defunct session, making the other coroutines unhappy.

A solution is to not use scoped sessions at all in event_white_check_mark_handler, because it fully manages its session’s lifetime, and seems to pass the session forward as an argument. If on the other hand there are some paths that use the scoped session database_objects.SESSION instead of receiving the session as an argument, define a suitable scopefunc when creating the registry:

Answered By: Ilja Everilä

I experienced this issue when retrieving a session from a generator, and try to run the exact same query again from different yielded sessions:

SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine, class_=Session)
def get_session() -> Generator:
    with SessionLocal() as session:
        yield session

The solution was to use session directly (in my case).
Perhaps in your case I would commit the session, before executing a new query.

def get_data():
    with Session(engine) as session:
        statement = select(Company)
        results = session.exec(statement)
Answered By: Zaffer

In my case, i worked with Tornado
I placed a function like so – in the BaseClass

def __del__(self):
  if self.session:

Because i didn’t want to implement this __del__ function in any inherit class

The issue that happened, was because that when a class was destroyed (the __del__ was triggered and closed my connection ) and then brought up again but didn’t bring my session with it ( in my init class i create it ). so the connection was closed when I tried to re-use it.

My solution was – to move this generaic – high level __del__ inside every class.

Answered By: Ricky Levi
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