Can’t find Desktop folder in Jupyter Notebook


I have recently re-installed Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook on my machine and now when I launch Jupyter, I can’t find my ’Desktop’, ’Downloads’, ’Documents’ maps that were usually there at the start page. There isn’t any ’Users’ or ’C:/’ maps either, and I can’t find my way to my notebooks that are located on my Desktop. Instead it is showing a lot of .dll files and weird sounding maps. How do I navigate to the map that I need in Jupyter?


You could use the Anaconda Prompt to navigate to the 'C:/' folder (or any other folder you want) and then launch jupyter notebook from there.

In the Anaconda Prompt try:

(base) C:UsersAle>cd "C:/"
(base) C:>jupyter notebook
Answered By: Ale

I happened to have the same issue. I bought a new laptop and was downloading Anaconda into this one whilst the day before I installed OneDrive placing Desktop under my Onedrive. This managed to put it on OneDrive. So I found my Desktop in the Onedrive folder on Jupyter Notebook.

(Just thought someone else might have had the same situation)

Answered By: Mikias G