convert 12 hour time to 24 hour time in pandas dataframe



    'time':['10:30 PM', '11:30 PM', '01:20 AM']


    name    time
0   abc     10:30 PM
1   def     11:30 PM
2   ghi     01:20 AM

I want to like below this which convert 12 hours to 24 hour in time column:

    name    time
0   abc     22:30
1   def     23:30 
2   ghi     01:20
Asked By: Bashar



use pd.to_datetime to convert to datetime dtype, and cast to Python time objects via the dt accessor:

df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time']).dt.time

# df['time'] 
# 0    22:30:00
# 1    23:30:00
# 2    01:20:00
# Name: time, dtype: object

…or add strftime to get a specific time string format:

df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time']).dt.strftime('%H:%M')

# df['time']
# 0    22:30
# 1    23:30
# 2    01:20
# Name: time, dtype: object
Answered By: FObersteiner
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