How to calculate how much network IO a python script is using?


Let’s consider the following file that makes a dummy request:

import requests

response = requests.get("")

I can estimate how much network bandwidth I have used by the size of response.

What if the script has become complex and involves the use of multiple libraries? It gathers information from multiple websites, processes it, and outputs the results as a json file in the same directory.

In this scenario, how can the network bandwidth usage of the script be determined for each run? Would I have to manually go through the codebase and "add up" all the requests by hand? That does not seem feasible.

Asked By: AlanSTACK



Here is the solution code I ended up using:

import requests

total_sent_length = 0
total_recv_length = 0

get_sent_length   = 0
get_recv_length   = 0

post_sent_length  = 0
post_recv_length  = 0

old_request_method_get  = requests.get
old_request_method_post =

def format_size(bytes, suffix='B'):
    return bytes in a human readable format
    for unit in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
        if abs(bytes) < 1024.0:
            return '%3.1f%s%s' % (bytes, unit, suffix)
        bytes /= 1024.0

    return '%.1f%s%s' % (bytes, 'Y', suffix)

def rlen(response):
    approximate request size sent to server
    len_of_meth = len(response.request.method)
    len_of_addr = len(response.request.url)
    len_of_head = len('rn'.join('{}{}'.format(k, v) for k, v in response.request.headers.items()))
    len_of_body = len(response.request.body if response.request.body else [])

    return len_of_meth + len_of_addr + len_of_head + len_of_body

def patched_get(*args, **kwargs):
    delegate functionality and record stats
    global total_sent_length
    global total_recv_length

    global get_sent_length
    global get_recv_length

    response = old_request_method_get(*args, **kwargs)

    total_sent_length += rlen(response)
    total_recv_length += len(response.content)

    get_sent_length += rlen(response)
    get_recv_length += len(response.content)

    return response

def patched_post(*args, **kwargs):
    delegate functionality and record stats
    global total_sent_length
    global total_recv_length

    global post_sent_length
    global post_recv_length

    response = old_request_method_post(*args, **kwargs)

    total_sent_length += rlen(response)
    total_recv_length += len(response.content)

    post_sent_length += rlen(response)
    post_recv_length += len(response.content)

    return response

requests.get  = patched_get = patched_post

print('total_sent_length', format_size(total_sent_length))
print('total_recv_length', format_size(total_recv_length))

resp1 = requests.get('')
resp2 = requests.get('')

print('total_sent_length', format_size(total_sent_length))
print('total_recv_length', format_size(total_recv_length))

And here would be the sample results of a run:

total_sent_length 0.0B
total_recv_length 0.0B
total_sent_length 242.0B
total_recv_length 2.5KB
Answered By: AlanSTACK
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