Clickable link inside message


I would like my bot to send message into chat like this:

await ctx.send("This country is not supported, you can ask me to add it here")

But to make "here" into clickable link, In HTML I would do it like this, right?

<a href="" > This country is not supported, you can ask me to add it here </a>

How can I do it in python?

Asked By: Moder New



As far as i know, Discord don’t allow using HTML in messages, when you see any form of formating on some messages it’s either :

  1. Done with markdown
  2. Embed usage.

The problem is that both those methods won’t help you to solve your problem, because :

  1. in markdown we use [Here](link) to achieve what you want, but after i tried it on Discord, it doesn’t seem to render, so my guess is that not all markdown is usable in Discord
  2. Embeds are really different from what you want to achieve.
Answered By: yassir karroum

As the other answer explained, you can’t add hyperlinks in normal messages, but you can in Embeds. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to use an Embed for an error message, especially considering it adds more functionality, so you should consider using that.

embed = discord.Embed()
embed.description = "This country is not supported, you can ask me to add it [here](your_link_goes_here)."
await ctx.send(embed=embed)

Feel free to mess around with the Embed & add some fields, a title, a colour, and whatever else you might want to do to make it look better. More info in the relevant API docs.

Answered By: stijndcl

Another way of solving this; you can add url=(pop_in_link), but this one works when you do, import discord. You can use either method

Answered By: la39zz

This might help people trying to embed links in their code for their bot.

embed = discord.Embed(
    description="[description (optional)]", 
    color=[color hex code or tag (optional)]
Answered By: airplaneboy14