How do I create a python real-time clock using Tkinter?


I want to create a python real-time clock using Tkinter. However, I do not know how to start.

Asked By: Enderman



This is how I made my clock, assuming you want digital:

# importing whole module 
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

# importing strftime function to 
# retrieve system's time 
from time import strftime 

# creating tkinter window 
root = Tk() 

# This function is used to 
# display time on the label 
def time(): 
    string = strftime('%H:%M:%S %p') 
    lbl.config(text = string) 
    lbl.after(1000, time) 

# Styling the label widget so that clock 
# will look more attractive 
lbl = Label(root, font = ('calibri', 40, 'bold'), 
            background = 'purple', 
            foreground = 'white') 

# Placing clock at the centre 
# of the tkinter window 
lbl.pack(anchor = 'center') 


If you wanted an analog clock, you could do this:

#list of imported modules
from tkinter import *
from math import cos, sin
from time import gmtime, sleep

#defining of secondary functions

def drawcircle(Alpha,Beta,Rayon,Couleur,can): #draw a circle base on center coord radius and color
    x1,y1,x2,y2=Alpha-Rayon, Beta-Rayon, Alpha+Rayon, Beta+Rayon

def drawPetAig(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille, Omega, can): #function to drawn the second hand of the clock
    Pi = 3.141592
    Omega = ((Omega/60)+1)*30
    can.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/3) * cos(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/3) * sin(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordA - (Taille/8) * cos(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/8) * sin(Pi*(Omega/180)) )

def drawGrdAig(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille, Omega, can): #function to draw the minute hand, based on center coord and minutes.
    Pi = 3.141592
    Omega = (Omega-15)*6
    can.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/1.5) * cos(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.5) * sin(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordA - (Taille/6) * cos(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/6) * sin(Pi*(Omega/180)))

def drawSecAig(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille, Omega, can): #function to draw the hour hand
    Pi = 3.141592
    Omega = (Omega-15) *6
    can.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/1.5) * cos(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.5) * sin(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordA - (Taille/6) * cos(Pi*(Omega/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/6) * sin(Pi*(Omega/180)), fill = "red")

def fondhorloge(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille, can1):  #function drawing the backgroud of the clock
    Pi = 3.141592
    drawcircle(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille + (Taille/10), "grey6",can1) #drawing the surrounding of the clock
    drawcircle(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille, "ivory3",can1)#backgroud
    drawcircle(CoordA, CoordZ, Taille/80, "grey6",can1)#central point/needle articulation
    can1.create_line(CoordA + (Taille - (Taille/15)), CoordZ, CoordA + (Taille - (Taille/5)), CoordZ) #drawing the N/S/E/W decorativ hour position
    can1.create_line(CoordA, CoordZ + (Taille - (Taille/15)), CoordA, CoordZ + (Taille - (Taille/5)))
    can1.create_line(CoordA - (Taille - (Taille/15)), CoordZ, CoordA - (Taille - (Taille/5)), CoordZ)
    can1.create_line(CoordA, CoordZ - (Taille - (Taille/15)), CoordA, CoordZ - (Taille - (Taille/5)))

    #here, this 4*2 line defined the position of the 8 intermediate line between the N/S/E/W decorativ line.
    can1.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(30/180)), CoordA + (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(30/180)))
    can1.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(60/180)), CoordA + (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(60/180)))

    can1.create_line(CoordA - (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(30/180)), CoordA - (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(30/180)))
    can1.create_line(CoordA - (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(60/180)), CoordA - (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(60/180)))

    can1.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(30/180)), CoordA + (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(30/180)))
    can1.create_line(CoordA + (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(60/180)), CoordA + (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ - (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(60/180)))

    can1.create_line(CoordA - (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(30/180)), CoordA - (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(30/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(30/180)))
    can1.create_line(CoordA - (Taille/1.05) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.05) * sin(Pi*(60/180)), CoordA - (Taille/1.20) * cos(Pi*(60/180)), CoordZ + (Taille/1.20) * sin(Pi*(60/180)))

#PRINCIPLE FUNCTION (here the problem starts)

def HORLOGE1(Gamma, Pi, Epsylon):# draw a clock with the center position x/x = gamma/pi and the radius = epsylon

    fondhorloge(Gamma, Pi, Epsylon, can1)# extracting time value
    patate = gmtime()
    heure = patate[3] + 1  # "+1" is changing time from english time to french time :P
    minute = patate[4]
    seconde = patate[5]

    print(heure, minute, seconde) # a simple test to watch what the programm is doing (run it, and you'll see, that this test is done tausend time per second, that why I think the problem is here.)
    drawPetAig(Gamma, Pi, Epsylon, minute, can1)
    drawGrdAig(Gamma, Pi, Epsylon, minute, can1)
    drawSecAig(Gamma, Pi, Epsylon, seconde, can1)
    fen1.after(1000, lambda: HORLOGE1(250, 250, 200))

#execution of the main function

fen1 = Tk()
can1 = Canvas(fen1, bg="white", height=500, width=500)

HORLOGE1(250, 250, 200)

Answered By: The Pilot Dude
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