how to create a separate python 2.7 environment in conda?


I am using anaconda and python 3.8. Now some of my codes need to be run with python 2. so I create a separate python 2.7 environment in conda like below:

after that, I installed spyder, then launcher spyder amd spyder is showing I am still using python 3.8

how do i do to use python 2.7 in spyder with a new environment?


conda create -n py27 python=2.7 ipykernel
conda activate py27
pip install spyder

Asked By: roudan



Answered By: pakpe

I guess you are on previous pip;

  1. Use which pip command to find out your current pip environment.
  2. Modify your .bash file and set another new environment variable for your new pip.
  3. Source your .bash file.
  4. Try to install spyder by using new pip env variable; something like pipX install spyder
Answered By: DRPK

According to the documentation here, this should create a python2.7 virtual environment (29 April 2021) with spyder installed. I verified that spyder version 3.3.6 is python2.7 compatible

conda create -y -n py27 python=2.7 spyder=3.3.6

However, I could not run spyder in the py27 environment due to conflicts that conda failed to catch. The workaround shown by asanganuwan on this Spyder Github Issue page worked for me also

Found a workaround to use Spyder on python 2.7.

setup two virtual environments for Python 2.7 and 3.6.
Launce anaconda navigator and install spyder 3.3.6 on both the environments
Launch spyder on the environment with Python 3.6
Preferences-->Python Interpreter --> set the Python path for 2.7
Restart Spyder

So my recommendation is next run

conda create -y -n py36 python=3.6 spyder=3.3.6
conda activate py36

And follow the last three instructions from asanganuwan.

Also you should use the conda package manager as much as possible since it is smarter with managing requirements. When I try to use pip install spyder after activating the environment, it warns of version conflicts and fails to start.

Answered By: Matthew Hogan

I suggest to first search for an anaconda 2.7 version you want, then install it explicitly, this will make resolving much faster, give you a "stable" anaconda and allow you more control while installing all anaconda packages:

conda search anaconda 

Then select a version that has 27, in my case:

# Name                       Version           Build  Channel
anaconda                      custom          py27_0  pkgs/main
anaconda                      custom          py27_1  pkgs/main
anaconda                      custom  py27h689e5c3_0  pkgs/main
anaconda                      custom          py35_1  pkgs/main
anaconda                       5.3.1          py27_0  pkgs/main
anaconda                       5.3.1          py37_0  pkgs/main
anaconda                     2019.10          py27_0  pkgs/main

I went with:

conda create -n py2 Python=2.7 anaconda==5.3.1 -y
Answered By: ntg
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