Firebase-Admin with AWS Lambda Python


I am currently writing a Python server to deploy on AWS Lambda. I want to use the firebase-admin package to send notifications with FCM and read data from cloud firestore. however when I try deploying my function to AWS Lambda with the .zip file archives, I get this error on execution:

[ERROR] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'lambda_function': Failed to import the Cloud Firestore library for Python. Make sure to install the "google-cloud-firestore" module.

I installed the module with this: pip install --target . firebase-admin into a folder, added my code files (to the root as instructed), zipped it recursively and uploaded it with the aws-cli, I can clearly see that there is a google-cloud-firestore folder inside the .zip so i’m not sure whats going on. any help is appreciated!

Asked By: barbecu



What you’re looking for is a LambdaLayer.

There are a bunch of resources on that online, but essentially you want to make a Zip file in this format*:
— python/
—- lib/
—— pythonX.Y/
——– site-packages/
———- firebase-admin
———- …

*where X.Y is the python version you’re targetting

Then, either in the AWS console or in your CI/CD, you can add that LambdaLayer in your Function’s configuration, which lets you import all the libraries in it.

Answered By: Mat

From the look of it you have bundled your code correctly and deployed successfully. The error occurs because Firestore relies on a C-based implementation of GRPC. By default this does not work on AWS Lambda. I’m currently creating a work-around and will update this post with my results.

Answered By: Kenton Blacutt

The problem is that the firebase-admin package uses some libraries that are compiled differently on different OSes, so you need to create a docker image and install everything there, zip it up and upload it as a layer. Here is an example docker file:

FROM amazonlinux:2.0.20210126.0

RUN yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools" && 
yum -y install openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel && 
yum -y install wget && 
wget && 
yum install -y tar && 
yum install -y gzip && 
tar xvf Python-3.8.7.tgz && 
cd Python-3.8*/ && 
./configure --enable-optimizations && 
make altinstall && 
yum install -y zip && 
yum clean all

RUN python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip && 
python3.8 -m pip install virtualenv

RUN python3.8 -m venv myvenv
RUN source myvenv/bin/activate
RUN pip install firebase-admin -t ./python
RUN deactivate
RUN zip -r ./python/

And then copy the zip file:

docker cp ./Desktop/ 
Answered By: Koby 27

Would be useful for next people if someone could explain how to run a docker file.

I’m not an expert, so what I’ve done was to create a docker instance based on the image mentioned, then I executed each command individually within the CLI, and lastly, since I wasn’t able to zip and copy the files from my container to the desktop, I had to find the folder through my windows explorer within the Linux virtual enviroment so that I could ZIP and bring.

It actually worked, but again, will be very helpful if someone can complement the best answer by letting everyone know how to build and execute a docker file.


Answered By: faynercosta