Docker container not downloading Spacy non-english models


I already have a docker image built with spacy and other dependencies installed. I am trying to build another image using docker build, pulling from the existing image, which will contain non-english spacy modules. I am using Docker desktop to do this. This is my docker file:

FROM docker/image:14jul2020
ENV http_proxy=""
ENV https_proxy=""

# spacy
RUN pip install spacy
RUN python -m spacy de_dep_news_trf
RUN python -m spacy pt_core_news_sm

However, this code gives me an error only when it starts downloading the non-english modules.

Step 6/10 : RUN python -m spacy de_dep_news_trf
 ---> Running in b6de3cbe0490

    Unknown command: de_dep_news_trf
    Available: download, link, info, train, evaluate, convert, package,
    vocab, init-model, profile, validate

The command '/bin/sh -c python -m spacy de_dep_news_trf' returned a non-zero code: 1

Is there some other command i should be using to download these dependencies? DO i need any particular version support? I am just unable to figure out what i am doing wrong here. Any pointers is much appreciated.

Asked By: M PAUL



Unknown command: de_dep_news_trf
Available: download, link, info, train, evaluate, convert, package,
vocab, init-model, profile, validate

The error already told where is wrong, your command should be:

python -m spacy download de_dep_news_trf

See help:

# python -m spacy --help
Usage: python -m spacy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  spaCy Command-line Interface


  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  convert   Convert files into json or DocBin format for training.
  debug     Suite of helpful commands for debugging and profiling.
  download  Download compatible trained pipeline from the default download...
  evaluate  Evaluate a trained pipeline.
  info      Print info about spaCy installation.
  init      Commands for initializing configs and pipeline packages.
  package   Generate an installable Python package for a pipeline.
  pretrain  Pre-train the 'token-to-vector' (tok2vec) layer of pipeline...
  project   Command-line interface for spaCy projects and templates.
  train     Train or update a spaCy pipeline.
  validate  Validate the currently installed pipeline packages and spaCy...
Answered By: atline
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