TypeError: '_AtIndexer' object is not callable in pandas


I have a DataFrame object named df, and I want to generate a list of properly formatted dates. (datetime module is properly imported)

I wrote:

dates = [datetime.date(df.at(index, "year"), df.at(index, "month"), df.at(index, "day")) for index in df.index]

which gives the error in the title.

If it helps, this is the value of df.head():

   year  month  day  smoothed   trend
0  2011      1    1    391.26  389.76
1  2011      1    2    391.29  389.77
2  2011      1    3    391.33  389.78
3  2011      1    4    391.36  389.78
4  2011      1    5    391.39  389.79

(This is new to me, so I have likely misinterpreted the docs)

Asked By: Cresht



df.at is not a callable but a property that supports indexing. So change parantheses to square brackets around it:

df.at[index, "year"]

i.e., ( to [ and similar for closing.

Answered By: Mustafa Aydın

Apart from using [ instead of ( you can achieve your goal simply by

pd.to_datetime(df[['year', 'month', 'day']])
Answered By: Durtal