Spotify Refresh Token Python


I have a python program that returns whatever song I’m currently listening to. The Access Token I get from Spotify API only lasts an hour and I’m having trouble finding an easy way to implement a refresh token into my code.

SPOTIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'BQBQMLkkLb6az9TRv-PDXFFcm4KHrofc67H12Uzs3FXaPWHETy4ivnC-WGu2Jg5wlZ_yhggGypiO0Gnv_QkNGkefTuCjNR_Tzjw4pv2W9f_9_D7-LfD2W5KVPzh2DxMmf9TNPpSn200D_Xd4AD8F_MeJc-DIlA'

#Method to return the info for the currently playing track
def get_current_track():
    response = requests.get(
        headers = {
            "Authorization": f"Bearer {SPOTIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN}"
    resp_json = response.json()

    track_id = resp_json['item']['id']
    track_name = resp_json['item']['name']
    artists = resp_json['item']['artists']
    artists_name = ', '.join(
        [artist['name'] for artist in artists]
    link = resp_json['item']['external_urls']['spotify']

    current_track_info = {
        "id" : track_id,
        "name" : track_name,
        "artists" : artists_name,
        "link" : link

    return current_track_info
Asked By: mordye137



How about using a class to keep the token and then request again if it’s stale? Something like this:

class SpotifyTracker:
    TRACK_URL = ''

    def __init__(self):
        self._token = self._set_token()

    def _set_token(self):
        # ... logic to set token

    def _request_track_data(self):
        return requests.get(
                "Authorization": f"Bearer {self._token}"

    def get_current_track(self):
        response = self._request_track_data() 
        if response.code == 401:
            response = self._request_track_data()
        resp_json = response.json()
        return current_track_info
Answered By: pcauthorn

This is a great youtube tutorial that answered all my questions

Answered By: mordye137

This code is assuming you already have an access token and just need to refresh it:

import base64
import requests

def refesh_the_token(): 

        auth_client = client_id + ":" + client_secret
        auth_encode = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(auth_client.encode()).decode()

        headers = {
            'Authorization': auth_encode,

        data = {
            'grant_type' : 'refresh_token',
            'refresh_token' : refresh_token

        response ='', data=data, headers=headers) #sends request off to spotify

        if(response.status_code == 200): #checks if request was valid
            print(pgrm_signature + "The request to went through we got a status 200; Spotify token refreshed")
            response_json = response.json()
            new_expire = response_json['expires_in']
            print(pgrm_signature + "the time left on new token is: "+ str(new_expire / 60) + "min") #says how long
            return response_json["access_token"]
            print(pgrm_signature + "ERROR! The response we got was: "+ str(response))
Answered By: Matthew Wilde