Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled


I tried crawling a specific site using selenium and, and my code crawled elements of that site totally. But after crawling, the following error message appears in the console window. Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled

When I first found it, I unchecked Hardware hardware accleration of chrome also it didn’t solve the problem.

Asked By: Moincoar



I had the same problem with selenium and chromedriver. For me the solution was to activate WebGL in Chrome browser. I did the following

  1. chrome://settings -> Click Advanced at the bottom -> Check the Use hardware acceleration when available box

enter image description here

  1. chrome://flags -> Search for WebGL in the search bar -> Enable / Activate WebGL
    enter image description here

There are much better instructions here:

Answered By: Charalamm

Tested environment

Windows OS, Chromedriver vesion 89, headless mode


I am not certain that this can be a solution for your question, since the error message is slightly different.

As I remember correctly, the error message Passthrough is not supported, GL is swiftshader has been shown after the Chromedriver version 89 as a bug (but not certain) [1].

In case of Windows, --headless and --disable-gpu options are required to make the chromedriver work as a headless mode [2]. It seems like --disable-gpu is also required for Linux because of the bug [3].

  1. The error message does not appear if both --headless and --disable-gpu options are removed. However, the chromedriver does not work as a headless mode anymore.

  2. In my case, the error message does not affect the operation of a headless chrome. As I found, "Normally, Chrome would just fall back to work without GPU. However, for consistent results, Telemetry requires the presence of GPU [4]."

  3. I’ve additionally applied --disable-software-rasterizer option to disable WebGL [5]. The error message does not show anymore under the headless operation.



Answered By: J. Choi

I got this error as a result of using NVIDIA’s Quadro view so for me the fix was to disable that.

Answered By: Lisa

I received this error during Eclipse Startup and fixed it by changing two things:

  1. Now using a more recent Java VM for Eclipse, in my case I was moving from Java8 to Java11
  2. Also moving from JRE to JDK

Add Eclipse Start Parameter:

-vm C:PROGRA~1ECLIPS~1jdk-
Answered By: Zaphod Beeblebrox

This warning was being shown to me in a setup where chromium was running through Xvfb. I managed to get rid of this warning by adding the following flag to the command line:

Answered By: Thiago Barcala

there should be typo mistake in your code , please check ,

i got the similar error in electron

[7608:1220/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is

the problem was type mistake


wrong code

// events funstions of electron
SM_app.on('redy', F_create_windows);

fixed code

// events funstions of electron
SM_app.on('ready', F_create_windows);

i was missing a in my code. redy

Check Your Code. Again

Answered By: HackerGprat