Is there a way to pretty print / prettify a JSON response in FastAPI?


I’m looking for something that is similar to Flask’s app.config['JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR'] = True.

Asked By: New Coder



I’m not sure what exactly your problem is, can you tell what the background of your need?

however, because FASTAPI is based on open standards(OpenAPI, JSONSchema) it has automatic docs. –>
FastAPI Auto Docs.

you have the Swagger UI under host/docs.
or the ReDoc under host/redoc.
Both will give you pretty representation of the JSON response in ease.

Answered By: IlayG01

This is taken from David Montague.

You can annotate any endpoint with a custom response class, for example

@app.get("/config", response_class=PrettyJSONResponse)
def get_config() -> MyConfigClass:
    return app.state.config

An example for PrettyJSONResponse could be (indent=4 is what you were asking)

import json, typing
from starlette.responses import Response

class PrettyJSONResponse(Response):
    media_type = "application/json"

    def render(self, content: typing.Any) -> bytes:
        return json.dumps(
            separators=(", ", ": "),
Answered By: Wolfgang Kuehn

In order to avoid blocking the event loop for large lists of models, I ended up with a solution like the one below.

This should:

  1. Not block the event loop
  2. Stream results (much faster)
  3. Release event loop in between model dict actions
async def streaming_output_json(content: List[BaseModel]) -> StreamingResponse:
    Convert a list of Pydantic models to a JSON StreamingResponse.
    async def jsonify_async(models: List[BaseModel]) -> AsyncIterable[str]:
        yield '['
        for i, model in enumerate(models):
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            if i > 0:
                yield ','
            result_dict = jsonable_encoder(model)
            serialized_dict = json.dumps(result_dict)
            yield serialized_dict
        yield ']'

    return StreamingResponse(jsonify_async(models=content), media_type='application/json')

async def get_huge_result():
    results = [model1, model2, ...]
    return await streaming_output_json(results)
Answered By: Eric Longstreet
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