web scraping of webpage on chartink.com


Please help me to scrape this link.
link – https://chartink.com/screener/time-pass-48
I am trying to web scrape but it is not showing the table which I want. please help me the same.

I have tried this code, but it is not giving me the desired result.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

URL = 'https://chartink.com/screener/time-pass-48'
page = requests.get(URL)

soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
Asked By: ayush5624



import requests
import bs4
page = requests.get("https://chartink.com/screener/time-pass-48")

I think this should do it.

Answered By: Ronit Shetty

You can access the table data by making a post request. You can have a look in the Chrome Dev Tools Network tab and see which elements are loading from elsewhere.

The data from the table is loading from https://chartink.com/screener/process post request (look at the ‘process’ name in the network tab). You can make a post request using the requests library as QHarr suggested.

Alternatively, you can achieve this without making things complicated by using requests-html library even though it will be much faster by getting data directly from the source, e.g. making a post request.

from requests_html import HTMLSession

session = HTMLSession()
response = session.get('https://chartink.com/screener/time-pass-48')
# renders javascript

for result in response.html.xpath('//*[@id="DataTables_Table_0"]/tbody/tr'):

# part of the output:
Kothari Products Limited
P&F | F.A

And from there all needs to be done is to split() elements and get the desired element (index), e.g:

for result in response.html.xpath('//*[@id="DataTables_Table_0"]/tbody/tr'):
    # getting text data, splitting by a new line and grabbing first index [1]
    # the process is the same for every other column
    stock_name = result.text.split('n')[1]

# part of the output:
Kothari Products Limited
Oswal Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited
Hbl Power Systems Limited
Answered By: Dmitriy Zub

Data indeed comes from a POST request. You don’t need to allow JavaScript to run. You simply need to pick up one cookie (ci_session – which can be done using Session object to hold cookies from initial landing page request to pass on with subsequent POST), and one token (X-CSRF-TOKEN – which can be pulled from a meta tag in the initial request response):

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas as pd

data = {
  'scan_clause': '( {cash} ( monthly rsi( 14 ) > 60 and weekly rsi( 14 ) > 60 and latest rsi( 14 ) > 60 and 1 day ago  rsi( 14 ) <= 60 and latest volume > 100000 ) ) '

with requests.Session() as s:
    r = s.get('https://chartink.com/screener/time-pass-48')
    soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
    s.headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = soup.select_one('[name=csrf-token]')['content']
    r = s.post('https://chartink.com/screener/process', data=data).json()
    df = pd.DataFrame(r['data'])
Answered By: QHarr

I changed the data Scan clause as below. However, I’m getting an empty dataframe! what part of the code should be changed?

data = {
  'scan_clause': '( {cash} ( latest close > 10 and latest tema(latest close,10) > latest tema( latest close,20) and latest volume > 50000 and market cap > 500) ) '

with requests.Session() as s:
    r = s.get('https://chartink.com/screener/tema-swing-buy')
    soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
    s.headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = soup.select_one('[name=csrf-token]')['content']
    r = s.post('https://chartink.com/screener/process', data=data).json()
    df = pd.DataFrame(r['data'])
Answered By: Srinivas