What normalization means in value_counts()


The question is not about coding but to understand what normalize means in terms of statistics and correlation of data
This is an example of what I am doing.
Without normalization:

plt.plot(df['alcoholism'].value_counts(), marker='o')
plt.plot(df.query('no_show =="Yes"')['alcoholism'].value_counts(), color='black')

without normalization

With normalization:

plt.plot(df['alcoholism'].value_counts(normalize=True), marker='o')
plt.plot(df.query('no_show =="Yes"')['alcoholism'].value_counts(normalize=True), color='black')

with normalization

Which one better correlates the values with or without normalization? or is it a whole wrong idea?
I am new to data and pandas, so excuse my bad code, chaining, commenting, style 🙂

Asked By: Gauntlet Zoom



As you can see when you normalize (second plot), the sum of both points is equal to 1, for each line that is plotted. Normalizing is giving you the rate of occurrences of each value instead of the number of occurrences.

Heres what the doc says:

normalize : bool, default False
    Return proportions rather than frequencies.

  • value_counts() probably returns something like:

    0    110000
    1      1000
    dtype: int64
  • and value_counts(normalize=True) probably returns something like:

    0    0.990991
    1    0.009009
    dtype: float64

In other words, the relation between the normalized and non-normalized can be checked as:

>>> counts = df['alcoholism'].value_counts()
>>> rate = df['alcoholism'].value_counts(normalize=True)
>>> np.allclose(rate, counts / counts.sum())

Where np.allclose allowing to properly compare two series of floating point numbers.

Answered By: Cimbali