How do I get Pylance to ignore the possibility of None?


I love Pylance type checking.

However, If I have a variable var: Union[None, T], where T implements foo, pylance will throw an error at: since type None doesn’t implement foo.

Is there any way to resolve this? A way to tell Pylance "This variable is None sometimes but in this case I’m 100% sure it will be assigned

Asked By: George



There are many ways of forcing a type-checker to accept this.

  1. Use assert:

    from typing import Union
    def do_something(var: Union[T, None]):
        assert var is not None

  2. Raise some other exception:

    from typing import Union
    def do_something(var: Union[T, None]):
        if var is None:
            raise RuntimeError("NO")

  3. Use an if statement:

    from typing import Union
    def do_something(var: Union[T, None]):
        if var is not None:

  4. Use typing.cast, a function that does nothing at runtime but forces a type-checker to accept that a variable is of a certain type:

    from typing import Union, cast
    def do_something(var: Union[T, None]):
        var = cast(T, var)

  5. Switch off the type-checker for that line:

    from typing import Union
    def do_something(var: Union[T, None]):  # type: ignore

Note also that, while it makes no difference to how your type annotation is interpreted by a type-checker (the two are semantically identical), you can also write typing.Union[T, None] as typing.Optional[T], which is arguably slightly nicer syntax. In Python >=3.10 (or earlier if you have from __future__ import annotations at the top of your code), you can even write Union types with the | operator, i.e. T | None.

Answered By: Alex Waygood

Please don’t use blanket # type: ignore. Instead be specific on what linting error you want to ignore:         # pyright: ignore[reportOptionalMemberAccess]

Above works in VSCode default linter Pylance which uses Pyright.

Answered By: Shital Shah


  1. In a class, use a private member and a property:

    class something:
        def __init__(self):
            self._var = None
        def var(self) -> T:
            assert self._var is not None
            return self._var
        def do_something(self)
Answered By: Jason Harrison