I tried to make Game of Life by John Conway in pygame. Not sure exactly what went wrong


The cells don’t behave like they’re supposed to, meaning they don’t follow the rules. I’ve tried everything I could think of, but it doesn’t work.

The variable "state" is used to store the current states of all the cells (1 if active 0 if not) in the format state[x][y], similarly, "cells" also follow the same format but instead of 1s and 0s, it stores all the sprites, aka cells. The "new_state" is exactly like the state but it stores the states for the next generation. (The next generation is calculated from "state" and stored in "new_state".)

Heres an example of what "state" might look like:

state = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,1,1,1,0,0,0], . . . ]

To calculate how many active neighbors there are next to a cell, I just did a nested for loop, both with range(-1, 2). If i, j are the variables of the for loops, then that would look something like this:

for i in range(-1, 2):
    for j in range(-1, 2):
        sum += state[x + i][y + j]
sum -= state[x][y]

Anyways, heres the code:

import pygame as pg
ticking = False

# colours
white = (255, 255, 255)
grey = (100, 100, 100)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)
drk_blue = (0, 0, 100)
red = (255, 0, 0)
# now the screen
width = 750
height = 500

main_screen = pg.display.set_mode([width, height])
main_screen_rect = main_screen.get_rect()
game_width = width - width // 5
game_screen = pg.Surface([game_width, height])
game_screen_rect = game_screen.get_rect()

WH_cells = [0, 42]
for x in range(0, game_width, 12):
    WH_cells[0] += 1
a = False  # This is for toggling the eraser for the cells

# The state says which cells are active and inactive and cells is just a list containing the sprites
state = []
cells = []
new_state = []
# New state is for updating, i.e., it contains the states of the next generation

# imp functions

def logic():
    global state, new_state
    state = new_state
    new_state = blank

def sum_calc():
    global new_state
    state_len = len(state)
    state_len_part = len(state[0])
    for x_c in range(1, state_len - 1):
        for y_c in range(1, state_len_part - 1):

            neigh_sum = 0
            for i in range(-1, 2):
                for j in range(-1, 2):
                    if x_c + i < state_len and y_c + j < len(state[x_c + i]):
                        neigh_sum += state[x_c + i][y_c + j]
            neigh_sum -= state[x_c][y_c]

            if neigh_sum < 2 or neigh_sum > 3:
                new_state[x_c][y_c] = 0
            elif neigh_sum == 3:
                new_state[x_c][y_c] = 1

def drawer():
    state_len = len(new_state)
    state_len_part = len(new_state[0])

    for x in range(state_len):
        for y in range(state_len_part):

            if new_state[x][y] != 1:

# sprites

class Cell(pg.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Cell, self).__init__()
        self.surf = pg.Surface((10, 10))
        self.rect = self.surf.get_rect()
        self.index = None

    def update(self, mouse_pos, eraser):
        if self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos[0], mouse_pos[1]):
            cell_x = self.index[0]
            cell_y = self.index[1]
            global state

            if not eraser:
                state[cell_x][cell_y] = 1

            else:  # if eraser
                state[cell_x][cell_y] = 0

    def Activate(self, yesno):
        global new_state
        cell_x = self.index[0]
        cell_y = self.index[1]
        if yesno:
            new_state[cell_x][cell_y] = 1
            new_state[cell_x][cell_y] = 0

all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group()
running = True

# generating the cells and lists
for x in range(0, game_width, 12):
    for y in range(0, height, 12):
        x_coord = int(x / 12)

        new_cell = Cell()
        new_cell.rect.x = x
        new_cell.rect.y = y
        new_cell.index = (x_coord, int(y / 12))

        game_screen.blit(new_cell.surf, (x, y))

sprite_list = all_sprites.sprites()
sprite_list_len = len(sprite_list)
new_state = state
blank = state

while running:

    if ticking:

    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:
            running = False
        if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pg.K_a:
                a = not a
            if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
                if ticking:
                    ticking = not ticking
                    ticking = True
                print("ticking toggled to: ", ticking)

        if event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION or pg.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
            if pg.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
                for sprites in all_sprites:
                    sprites.update(pg.mouse.get_pos(), a)

    for sprites in sprite_list:
        game_screen.blit(sprites.surf, (sprites.rect.x, sprites.rect.y))
    main_screen.blit(game_screen, (0, 0))
    fps = pg.time.Clock()

Asked By: badprogrammer



An assignment operation like new_state = state doesn’t generate a new object. After this expression, you have 2 variables that refer to the same object.
Actually you have just 1 grid of states. The variables state, new_state and blank refer to the same object. You must create a new and empty state grid in each frame:

def logic():
    global state, new_state
    new_state = [[0 for _ in row] for row in state]
    state = new_state

Furthermore, your algorithm is not correct. See Conway’s Game of Life. Change the lgoic:

def sum_calc():
    global new_state
    state_len = len(state)
    state_len_part = len(state[0])
    for x_c in range(1, state_len - 1):
        for y_c in range(1, state_len_part - 1):

            neigh_sum = 0
            for i in range(-1, 2):
                for j in range(-1, 2):
                    if x_c + i < state_len and y_c + j < len(state[x_c + i]):
                        neigh_sum += state[x_c + i][y_c + j]
            neigh_sum -= state[x_c][y_c]

            #if neigh_sum < 2 or neigh_sum > 3:
            #    new_state[x_c][y_c] = 0
            #elif neigh_sum == 3:
            #    new_state[x_c][y_c] = 1
            if state[x_c][y_c] == 1 and (neigh_sum == 2 or neigh_sum == 3):
                new_state[x_c][y_c] = 1
            elif state[x_c][y_c] == 0 and neigh_sum == 3:
                new_state[x_c][y_c] = 1
                new_state[x_c][y_c] = 0

Answered By: Rabbid76
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