How to reduce the space between the lines in Jupyter Visual Studio Code Output?


I want to reduce the space between the lines when I print something in Jupyter visual studio code output.

Current output


I would like an output like Jupyter when I use it in a browser

Asked By: nikuragi



I’m not sure if VSCode-Settings has allowed users to customise the line height in Notebooks, but in case it hasn’t, you may do so by adjusting the item line-height in the file index.js in the directory ...Microsoft VS Coderesourcesappextensionsnotebook-renderersrenderer-out

Answered By: Kirin_Guess

It looks like a new setting is being added to vscode v1.67:



Answered By: Mark

The current name of the setting to use is notebook.output.lineHeight. Quoting from defaultSettings.json:

// Line height of the output text within notebook cells.
//  - When set to 0, editor line height is used.
//  - Values between 0 and 8 will be used as a multiplier with the font size.
//  - Values greater than or equal to 8 will be used as effective values.
"notebook.output.lineHeight": 0,

For values between 0 and 8, fractional values are accepted and can be used to reduce line spacing.

In older versions of VS Code, the setting was named notebook.outputLineHeight (see

Note that in outputs with MathJax, the spacing may be styled differently. See Jupyter notebook markdown output puts extra vertical padding on lines with inline MathJax expressions.

Answered By: starball