Django aggregate sum for each user


I’m creating a budget application and wanted to find the sum of each user who’s signed in. Right now, I’m using function-based views and I sum up the expenses with Post.objects.aggregate(sum = Sum('expense')) The issue with this is it sums up everyone in the database but I wanted it to only sum up the expenses of the user that is currently signed in. In my model, I have an author field but I’m not sure how to go about summing only for the user currently signed in.

Asked By: Blizzard YT



You can do something like this to get current user expense

Post.objects.filter(author=request.user).aggregate(sum = Sum('expense'))
this will return sum of current logged In user.

Answered By: Ankit Tiwari

You can annotate the sum for each user, with:

from django.db.models import Sum


The User objects that arises from this QuerySet will contain the sum of the expenses of the related posts.

For the logged in user, you can calculate this with:

from django.db.models import Sum

request.user.post_set.aggregate(total=Sum('expense'))['total'] or 0
Answered By: Willem Van Onsem

You can use aggregate() and annotate() with Sum() to sum up expense column in Post model user by user as shown below. *You need to use order_by('pk') with annotate() otherwise values are printed in descending order:

from django.db.models import Sum

for obj in User.objects.all(): 

for obj in User.objects.all(): 

qs = User.objects.annotate(Sum('post__expense')).order_by('pk')
for obj in qs:

And, you can change the default key expense__sum and post__expense to expenseSum for expense column as shown below:

from django.db.models import Sum

for obj in User.objects.all():                    # ↓ Here

for obj in User.objects.all():   # ↓ Here
                           # ↓ Here
qs = User.objects.annotate(expenseSum=Sum('post__expense')).order_by('pk')
for obj in qs: # ↓ Here
Answered By: Kai – Kazuya Ito