KeyError Received unregistered task of type '' on celery while task is registered


I’m a bit new in celery configs.

I have a task named myapp.tasks.my_task for example.

I can see myapp.tasks.my_task in registered tasks of celery when I use celery inspect registered. doesn’t it mean that the task is successfully registered? why it raises the following error for it:

KeyError celery.worker.consumer.consumer in on_task_received

Received unregistered task of type 'my_app.tasks.my_task'.
The message has been ignored and discarded.

Did you remember to import the module containing this task?
Or maybe you're using relative imports?

Please see
for more information.

The full contents of the message body was:
'[[], {}, {"callbacks": null, "errbacks": null, "chain": null, "chord": null}]' (77b)

there are also other tasks in my_app.tasks and they work correctly but only this task does not work and gets KeyError:

def other_task():
   """ WORKS """

def my_task():
   """ DOES NOT WORK """

Asked By: Ashkan Khademian



It means that Celery can’t find the implementation of the task my_app.tasks.my_task when it was called. Some possible solutions you may want to look at:

Possible Solution 1:

You probably haven’t configured correctly either:

  • Celery imports e.g. celery_app.conf.update(imports=['my_app.tasks']) or celery_app.conf.imports = ['my_app.tasks']
  • Or Celery include (example) e.g. celery_app = Celery(..., include=['my_app.tasks'])

Note: If in a Django application, this can be skipped if already using celery_app.autodiscover_tasks() since the tasks are automatically discovered in the location ./<app_name>/

Possible Solution 2:

If you are only importing my_app e.g. celery_app.conf.update(imports=['my_app']) then I assume you have a file my_app/ Make sure that inside that file, it imports the task my_app.tasks.my_task along with my_app.tasks.other_task so that the celery app knows that such task exists.

# Contents of my_app/
from my_app.tasks import (

Possible Solution 3:

In case the my_task was just newly added (whereas other_task was already an old existing task), you might not have restarted the celery worker yet to see the new task. Try restarting the worker.

Another solution can be adding a name param in the shared_task decorator, i.e.,

@shared_task(queue='celery', name='other_task')
def other_task():
   """ WORKS """

@shared_task(queue='celery', name='my_task')
def my_task():
   """ DOES NOT WORK """

I see this in a full demo project, and the related code can be find here.

Answered By: Dzhuang

I could solve the error by just restarting Celery. I use Celery 5.1.2:

celery -A core worker --pool=solo -l info
Answered By: Kai – Kazuya Ito

Back in the day, when I faced the problem a senior solved it for me in a mushroom management way unfortunately (see more about this anti-pattern here).
I came back to this problem recently to figure out the solution in our own project domain.

As Niel pointed in his/her solution, we were using celery_app.autodiscover_tasks() in our project and in that case we should import my_task in of tasks package like bellow.

from .some_tasks_file import my_task

Also, we used celery beat and the task defined inside app.conf.beat_schedule must have exact path to the function like bellow (even though the function is imported in of the tasks package).

app.conf.beat_schedule = {
    'MY_TASK': {
        'task': 'myapp.tasks.some_tasks_file.my_task',
        'schedule': 60,  # every minute

Hope this would help people with the same celery configuration and problem.

Answered By: Ashkan Khademian