Pyspark cast float to double is unprecise


I grouped by the sum(float) and the result is not what I expected.

Not only for grouping by but it happens when I cast float to double.

Here is an code example below.

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import *
>>> from pyspark.sql.types import *
>>> schema = StructType([ 
...     StructField("firstname",StringType(),True), 
...     StructField("middlename",StringType(),True), 
...     StructField("v",FloatType(),True)])
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([["a","b",1.12],["a","b",2.23],["a","c",7.78]],schema=schema)
|firstname|middlename|   v|
|        a|         b|1.12|
|        a|         b|2.23|
|        a|         c|7.78|
>>> df.groupBy("firstname","middlename").agg(sum("v")).show()
|firstname|middlename|           sum(v)|
|        a|         b|3.350000023841858|
|        a|         c| 7.78000020980835|
>>> df.groupBy("firstname","middlename").agg(sum("v").cast("float")).show()
|firstname|middlename|CAST(sum(v) AS FLOAT)|
|        a|         b|                 3.35|
|        a|         c|                 7.78|
>>>"v"), col("v").cast("double")).show()
|   v|                 v|
|7.78|  7.78000020980835|

I think that’s because of the type precision(4 bytes, 8 bytes) but I think this is a bug because the value of float should be preserved when it is cast to double.

I found a solution as I write that cast to float after grouping by but I think this is not clear.

Is there any fancy solution for this?

Asked By: 에스파파



I found an answer that is doing cast to string before I aggregate column v.


from pyspark.sql import functions as F

>>> df.withColumn("v",col("v").cast("string").cast("double"))
|        a|         b|  3.35|
|        a|         c|  7.78|
>>> df.withColumn("v",col("v").cast("string").cast("double"))
 |-- firstname: string (nullable = true)
 |-- middlename: string (nullable = true)
 |-- sum(v): double (nullable = true)
Answered By: 에스파파