Change dates of default "quarter" in pandas


Is there any way of changing the "default start and end dates", of what is interpreted as the "quarters" in Pandas / Numpy? I’ve looked through the docs and tried reading the pandas source-code, but with no results to show for it.

import pandas as pd
date_range = pd.date_range(start='2020-01-01', end='2021-01-01')
df_dates = pd.DataFrame({'dates' : date_range}, index = date_range)

Results in these "start dates" of the quarters.

2020-01-01    1
2020-04-01    2
2020-07-01    3
2020-10-01    4
Name: dates, dtype: int64

So I want to change these to different dates, if possible. As a "saved offset" that lives in the "current session"…

Desired output would be something like this, on the dt.quarter-accessor (if pushed one month ahead.)

2020-02-01    1
2020-05-01    2
2020-08-01    3
2020-11-01    4
Name: dates, dtype: int64
Asked By: Carl F. Corneil



Do you mean by?

print(df_dates['dates'].dt.quarter.drop_duplicates().shift(1, freq='MS'))    


2020-02-01    1
2020-05-01    2
2020-08-01    3
2020-11-01    4
Name: dates, dtype: int64   
Answered By: U13-Forward
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