Top 5 values in plotly bar chart


How to show only the top 5 values in bar chart using Plotly

import plotly.graph_objects as go

fig = go.Figure([go.Bar(x=col, y=res, text=res)])
fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor = "white",
                    font = dict(color = "#909497"),
                    title = dict(text = "Ratio of Buyers vs Non Buyers (Master Data(MIN))"),
                    xaxis = dict(title = "Features", linecolor = "#909497"), #tick prefix is the html code for Rupee
                    yaxis = dict(title = "Ratio", tickformat = ",", linecolor = "#909497",)) #apply our custom category order
fig.update_layout(barmode='stack', xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'})
Asked By: Siddarth G



There’s no buillt-in way to do this, so you’ll have to handle sorting and subsetting through pandas for example. Taking sample data from, an example of such sorting and subsetting could be:

dfg = df.groupby(['name']).size().to_frame().sort_values([0], ascending = False).head(5).reset_index()

Which will turn this:

enter image description here

Into this:

enter image description here

Complete code:


import pandas as pd
import as px
import random

# data sample
gapminder = list(set(['country']))[1:20]
names = random.choices(gapminder, k=100)

# data munging
df = pd.DataFrame({'name':names})
# dfg = df.groupby(['name']).size().to_frame().sort_values([0], ascending = False).reset_index()

dfg = df.groupby(['name']).size().to_frame().sort_values([0], ascending = False).head(5).reset_index()
dfg.columns = ['name', 'count']

# plotly
fig =, x='name', y = 'count')
fig.layout.yaxis.title.text = 'count'

If you’re willing to share a sample of your data, we can take a closer look at the details.

Answered By: vestland
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