Is there any Powershell module similar to Python prettytable?


In python we have prettytable module for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format.

| City name | Area | Population | Annual Rainfall |
| Adelaide  | 1295 |  1158259   |      600.5      |
| Brisbane  | 5905 |  1857594   |      1146.4     |
| Darwin    | 112  |   120900   |      1714.7     |
| Hobart    | 1357 |   205556   |      619.5      |
| Melbourne | 1566 |  3806092   |      646.9      |
| Perth     | 5386 |  1554769   |      869.4      |
| Sydney    | 2058 |  4336374   |      1214.8     |

Do we have anything similar module in PowerShell?

Asked By: Ajay Dwivedi



Not quite the same but maybe Format-Table

I threw the data you had in your question into a CSV to test it, works about the same I think.
enter image description here

Answered By: Caleb

The canonical answer is of course Format-Table, as mentioned by others.

Where Ajay says "it gets scrambled" is due to a misapprehension of the output of Format-Table and Format-List. These commands output internal markup. That markup is rendered by the engine to stdout. It is not rendered if you pipe the output of a Format command to another command (say, ConvertTo-Html). In that case, the next command receives the markup instead of the raw data, which is almost never what you want.

The markup is also rendered by Out-String. So do this:

> $AsciiTable = Get-Process pwsh | Format-Table | Out-String


> $AsciiTable

 NPM(K)    PM(M)      WS(M)     CPU(s)      Id  SI ProcessName
 ------    -----      -----     ------      --  -- -----------
    115   143.79     207.55       9.55    1080   1 pwsh
     92   129.62     188.68      10.77    2340   1 pwsh
     89   125.49     183.95      11.31   11352   1 pwsh

To get a [string[]] instead of a multi-line [string], use Out-String -Stream.

To trim the empty lines at the head and foot, use .Trim():

PSv5+: $AsciiTable = Get-Process pwsh | Format-Table | Out-String | ForEach-Object Trim

Older PS: $AsciiTable = Get-Process pwsh | Format-Table | Out-String | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()}



Ships with PSv7, present on 7.2.6, YMMV on older versions

> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Mode, LastWriteTime, Length, Name | ConvertTo-Markdown
Mode  | Name            | LastWriteTime
----- | --------------- | -------------------
d---- | dotfiles        | 05/10/2022 11:35:34
d---- | Notes           | 05/10/2022 11:29:09
d---- | oneget          | 06/10/2022 18:50:00

If I specifically wanted a close match to the prettytable output and could rely on recent PS, I’d use this, then add the border myself.


Produces HTML tables. Depends on your intended use.

Community modules

Pick a published module (I have not examined these, I’m demonstrating use of Find-Module -Tag):

> Find-Module -Repository PSGallery -Tag ascii

Version              Name                                Repository           Description
-------              ----                                ----------           -----------              WriteAscii                          PSGallery            Use Svendsen Tech's Write-Ascii function…
1.0.2                Graphical                           PSGallery            Consumes data points as input and plots …              Encoding                            PSGallery            Cmdlets for determining file encodings
1.0.3                EncodingAnalyzer                    PSGallery            determines the encoding of any text file              SystemSplash                        PSGallery            An ascii system information display for …
0.1.2                SimplyDraw                          PSGallery            ASCII Graphic tooling for PowerShell
1.0.2                Image2Text                          PSGallery            PowerShell Images into ASCII art
Answered By: FSCKur
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