Sqlalchemy: postgresql paramstyle for engine.execute()


I am connected to postgresql with sqlalchemy. When I try this code:

e = create_engine('')
r = e.execute("select ?", 5)

it gives me:

sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) syntax error at end of input

Corresponding to http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/connections.html?highlight=engine#sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection.execute there are different types of paramstyles…
After deeper research, i found out that default paramstyle for postgresql Dialect is “pyformat”.

Can somebody show me how to use this pyformat on some example?
I would just like to use placeholders or named placeholders for forming up the sql statement.

I tried:

e.execute("select %s, %s;", "test", "test2")

But this is not working either.

Thank you

of course, i am passing valid connection string to create_engine method 🙂

Asked By: JoshuaBoshi



The documentation you link to, directly links to PEP 249, which shows you the different styles.

About pyformat it says:

‘pyformat’ Python extended format codes, e.g. ‘…WHERE

So that’s what you need to use.

By Googling on “DBAPI pyformat” the second link is the link to the psycopg2 documentation. After mentioning that it uses pyformat there is a “See Also” linking to a page with loads of examples.

Examples of how to use it are in your original link:

e.execute("select %s, %s;", ("param1", "test"), ("param2", "test2"))

You can also use this syntax:

e.execute("select %(param1)s, %(param2)s;", param1="test", param2="test2"))

Which is nicer.

Answered By: Lennart Regebro

The accepted answer was correct before the release of SqlAlchemy 1.4.

In case people searching how to do that now, here’s the solution:

    "select %(param1)s, %(param2)s;", 
    {"param1": "test", "param2": "test2"}


Answered By: svalemento