How to define a bash variable from python EOF


I’m relatively new to bash and unable to explain my problem in the title, I’ve done a lot of googling and I guess that’s the title I came up with

I want to be able to use python EOF and define a bash variable in the EOF (if possible) and call it after.


everything - literally the string everything

And I’m opening this file and getting contents with

CMD=$(cat <<EOF

with open('text.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():

print(f"WOW text has {line}")


python3 -c "$CMD"


WOW text has everything

I want to be able to share a variable by defining it in my CMD (idk what it’s called) and echo it in bash after it’s done;

CMD=$(cat <<EOF

with open('text.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():

print(f"WOW text has {line}")
$var = line - somehow define a bash variable in python EOF

python3 -c "$CMD"
echo $var - output this 

So then the new output (of what I want) is:

WOW text has everything
Asked By: EpicGoodBoi



I want to be able to share a variable by defining it in my CMD

That is not possible.

I want to

Write a Bash builtin or path Bash with a modification that creates a shared memory region and introduces a new special variable that uses that shared memory region to store and fetch the value of the variable.

Use the shared memory region from python to store the value of the variable.

You could also go three steps further, and just straight introduce a Bash loadable module with interface to Python with communication via a local socket or similar, similar to vim Python library.

You can:

  • Output the value and use a command substitution to capture the output of python process and assign that output to a variable.

    var=$(python -c 'print(line)')
    echo "$var"
  • Store the value to a file and then read the content of that file in Bash. Or similar.

    python -c 'open("/tmp/temporaryfile.txt").write(line)'
    var=$(cat /tmp/temporaryfile.txt)
    echo "$var"

You may want to research "processes" – what they are, what do they share and what they don’t share, and what are the methods of communication between processes.

Answered By: KamilCuk

This solution might be complex, but working my

one line of script can


$ test_var=$(python3 -c $"import yaml,sys; yaml_as_dict=(lambda :yaml.safe_load(open(f'{sys.argv[1]}','r').read()))()[sys.argv[2]][sys.argv[3]]; print(yaml_as_dict)" <argv1> <argv2> <argv3>)
$ echo $test_var

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How to define a bash variable from python EOF

Answered By: P_M
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