Dealing with optional python dictionary fields


I’m dealing with JSON data which I load into Python dictionaries. A lot of these have optional fields, which then may contain dictionaries, that kind of stuff.

dictionary1 = 
{"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"},
"optional": {"value1": "one"}}

dictionary2 = 
{"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"}}

If I do this,


this works, obviously, because the field "required" is always present.

However, when I use the same line on dictionary2 (to get the optional field), this will produce an AttributeError

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

which makes sense, because the first .get() will return None, and the second .get() cannot call .get() on the None object.

I can solve this by giving default values in case the optional field is missing, but this will be annoying the more complex the data gets, so I’m calling this a "naive fix":

dictionary2.get("optional", {}).get("value1", " ")

So the first .get() will return an empty dictionary {}, on which the second .get() can be called, and since it obviously contains nothing, it will return the empty string, as defined per the second default.

This will no longer produce errors, but I was wondering if there is a better solution for this – especially for more complex cases (value1 containing an array or another dictionary, etc….)

I could also fix this with try – except AttributeError, but this is not my preferred way either.

    value1 = dictionary2.get("optional").get("value1")
except AttributeError:
    value1 = " "

I also don’t like checking if optional field exists, this produces garbage code lines like

optional = dictionary2.get("optional")
if optional:
    value1 = optional.get("value1")
    value1 = " "

which seems very non-Pythonic…

I was thinking maybe my approach of just chaining .get()s is wrong in the first place?

Asked By: c8999c 3f964f64



First of all, you refer to " " as the empty string. This is incorrect; "" is the empty string.

Second, if you’re checking for membership, I don’t see a reason to use the get method in the first place. I’d opt for something like the following.

if "optional" in dictionary2:
    value1 = dictionary2["optional"].get("value1")
    value1 = ""

Another alternative to consider (since you’re using the get method a lot) is to switch to the defaultdict class. For example,

from collections import defaultdict

dictionary2 = {"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"}}
ddic2 = defaultdict(dict,dictionary2)
value1 = ddic2["optional"].get("value1")
Answered By: Ben Grossmann

The pythonic way of going about it would be using the try/except block –

dictionary2 = {"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"}}
    value1 = dictionary2["optional"]["value1"]
except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
    value1 = ""

KeyError to capture the missing keys, and AttributeError to capture cases where you have a list/str instead of dict object.

If you don’t like tons of try/except in your code, you can consider using a helper function –

def get_val(data, keys):
        for k in keys:
            data = data[k]
        return data
    except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
        return ""

dictionary2 = {"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"}}
print(get_val(dictionary2, ("required", "value2")))
print(get_val(dictionary2, ("optional", "value1")))

outputs –


Answered By: Max

In your code here:

    value1 = dictionary2.get("optional").get("value1")
except AttributeError:
    value1 = " "

You can use brackets and except KeyError:

    value1 = dictionary2["optional"]["value1"]
except KeyError:
    value1 = " "

If this is too verbose for the caller, add a helper:

def get_or_default(d, *keys, default=None):
        for k in keys:
            d = d[k]
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        return default
    return d

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d = {"a": {"b": {"c": [41, 42]}}}
    print(get_or_default(d, "a", "b", "c", 1)) # => 42
    print(get_or_default(d, "a", "b", "d", default=43)) # => 43

You could also subclass dict and use tuple bracket indexing, like NumPy and Pandas:

class DeepDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, d, default=None):
        self.d = d
        self.default = default

    def __getitem__(self, keys):
        d = self.d
            for k in keys:
                d = d[k]
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return self.default
        return d

    def __setitem__(self, keys, x):
        d = self.d
        for k in keys[:-1]:
            d = d[k]
        d[keys[-1]] = x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dd = DeepDict({"a": {"b": {"c": [42, 43]}}}, default="foo")
    print(dd["a", "b", "c", 1]) # => 43
    print(dd["a", "b", "c", 11]) # => "foo"
    dd["a", "b", "c", 1] = "banana"
    print(dd["a", "b", "c", 1]) # => "banana"

But there might be an engineering cost to this if it’s confusing for other developers, and you’d want to flesh out the other expected methods as described in How to "perfectly" override a dict? (consider this a proof-of-concept sketch). It’s best not to be too clever.

Answered By: ggorlen

You could use toolz.dicttoolz.get_in() for this:

from toolz.dicttoolz import get_in

dictionary1 = {"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"}, "optional": {"value1": "one"}}
dictionary2 = {"required": {"value1": "one", "value2": "two"}}

get_in(("optional", "value1"), dictionary1)
# 'one'

get_in(("optional", "value1"), dictionary2)
# None

If you don’t want to install the whole library, you can just copy the source licensed under BSD:

import operator
from functools import reduce

def get_in(keys, coll, default=None, no_default=False):
        return reduce(operator.getitem, keys, coll)
    except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
        if no_default:
        return default
Answered By: derek

Since you like one-liners like dictionary2["optional"]["value1"] if "optional" in dictionary2 else " " and dictionary2.get("optional", {}).get("value1", " "), I thought to also suggest

getattr(dictionary2.get("optional"), "get", {}.get)("value1", " ")

By using getattr, this also accounts for [and would return " " on] dictionary2['optional'] not being a dictionary [instead of raising an AttributeError or TypeError with the other two methods].

If wrapped as a function, it would be something like

# get_v2 = lambda d, k1, k2, vDef=None: getattr(d.get(k1), 'get', {}.get)(k2,vDef) ## OR
def get_v2(d, k1, k2, vDef=None): 
    return getattr(d.get(k1), 'get', {}.get)(k2,vDef)

a = get_v2(dictionary1, 'optional', 'value1', vDef=' ') ## -->  a='one'
b = get_v2(dictionary2, 'optional', 'value1', vDef=' ') ## -->  b=' '

However, if you want to be able to call it for any number of keys you’ll need to used either recursion

def getVal(obj, k1, *keys, vDef=None):
    nxtVal = getattr(obj, 'get', {}.get)(k1, vDef)
    return getVal(nxtVal, *keys, vDef=vDef) if keys else nxtVal

or a loop

def getVal(obj, *keys, vDef=None):
    for k in keys: obj = getattr(obj, 'get', {}.get)(k, vDef)
    return obj

Although, I think it’s more efficient to use try..except as already suggested by some.

def getVal(obj, k1, *keys, vDef=None):
    try: return getVal(obj[k1], *keys, vDef=vDef) if keys else obj[k1]
    except: return vDef


def getVal(obj, *keys, vDef=None):
        for k in keys: obj = obj[k]
    except: obj = vDef
    return obj

You can also write a function that returns a function [ a bit like operator.itemgetter ] and can be used like valGetter("optional", "value1")(dictionary2, " ")

def valGetter(k1, *keys):
    if keys:
        def rFunc(obj, vDef=None):
                for k in (k1,)+(keys): obj = obj[k]
            except: obj = vDef
            return obj
        def rFunc(obj, vDef=None):
            try: return obj[k1]
            except: return vDef 
    return rFunc

but please note that this can turn out to be rather slow compared to the other methods.

Answered By: Driftr95