How to change the speed of speech in amazon polly (python)


I want to lower the speed at which the tts speaks at, I searched around for a couple of hours, but can’t find the answer. Please help. Thank You in advance.

Asked By: Bambi2k21



From Voice Speed – Amazon Polly:

Amazon Polly helps you slow down the rate of speech using the SSML tag, as in:

     In some cases, it might help your audience to <prosody rate="85%">slow 
     the speaking rate slightly to aid in comprehension.</prosody>


     In some cases, it might help your audience to <prosody rate="slow">slow 
     the speaking rate slightly to aid in comprehension.</prosody>

Python can use the boto3 AWS SDK, which has a synthesize_speech() API call that accepts a Text field with the text to convert into speech. If you also set TextType='ssml', then the text can include SSML as shown in the example above.

Answered By: John Rotenstein

I got it, here is an example for all of those who don’t get it either.

import boto3

polly_client = boto3.Session(

response = polly_client.synthesize_speech(
               Engine = 'neural', 
               TextType = "ssml", 
               Text = "<speak><prosody rate='90%'>The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog</prosody></speak>") # prosody rate changes the speed of the speech.

with open('folder/speech.mp3', 'wb') as file: #the folder part is here if you want to create the mp3 in a specific folder, if you don't want that, just remove it.
Answered By: Bambi2k21