pyspark groupBy and orderBy use together


Hi there I want to achieve something like this

SAS SQL: select * from flightData2015 group by DEST_COUNTRY_NAME order by count

My data looks like this:
enter image description here

This is my spark code:


I received this error:

AttributeError: ‘GroupedData’ object has no attribute ‘orderBy’. I am new to pyspark. Pyspark’s groupby and orderby are not the same as SAS SQL?

I also try sortflightData2015.selectExpr("*").groupBy("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").sort("count").show()and I received kind of same error. "AttributeError: ‘GroupedData’ object has no attribute ‘sort’"
Please help!

Asked By: Shawn11



In Spark, groupBy returns a GroupedData, not a DataFrame. And usually, you’d always have an aggregation after groupBy. In this case, even though the SAS SQL doesn’t have any aggregation, you still have to define one (and drop it later if you want).

    .count() # this is the "dummy" aggregation
Answered By: pltc

There is no need for group by if you want every row.
You can order by multiple columns.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
vals = [("United States", "Angola",13), ("United States","Anguilla" , 38), ("United States","Antigua", 20), ("United Kingdom", "Antigua", 22), ("United Kingdom","Peru", 50), ("United Kingdom", "Russisa",13), ("Argentina", "United Kingdom",13),]
cols = ["destination_country_name","origin_conutry_name", "count"]

df = spark.createDataFrame(vals, cols)
#display(df.orderBy(['destination_country_name', F.col('count').desc()])) If you want count to be descending

display(df.orderBy(['destination_country_name', 'count']))
Answered By: greenie

This answer is relevant to Spark 3.x and is slight modification to @greenie’s answer.

Defining the dataset

vals = [("United States", "Angola",13), ("United States","Anguilla" , 38), ("United States","Antigua", 20), ("United Kingdom", "Antigua", 22), ("United Kingdom","Peru", 50), ("United Kingdom", "Russisa",13), ("Argentina", "United Kingdom",13),]
cols = ["destination_country_name","origin_conutry_name", "count"]

Creating the dataframe

df = spark.createDataFrame(vals, cols)

Applying groupBy and orderBy together


The result will look like this:

|          United Kingdom|    3|
|           United States|    3|
|               Argentina|    1|
Answered By: Steffi Keran Rani J