Accessing C# DLL through Python 3.8 using Python.Net (TypeError)


I have the following python 3.8.2 code that attempts to access methods from my C# DLL
In the example it is using a method to calculate the area of a pipe.

import clr

from myDLL import calcs


Here is my implementation of the C# DLL

namespace myDLL
    public class calcs
        public double pipe_area(double pipeDiameter)
         double pipeArea = 0.25 * 3.1415 * Math.Pow(pipeDiameter, 2);
         return pipeArea;

Most frustrating of all is that I had this exact code working already, I changed the DLL build inside Visual Studio to Any CPU to see if it would break the connection (it broke something) however when I changed it back to x64 build the python script was still broken. The python script still can connect and see the DLL methods however throws a type error when I try to execute them.

The error message I get from Python is:

TypeError: No method matches given arguments for Pipe_Area: ()

Asked By: Eog



Solution: The classes must be static as I’m not creating a new instance within the python script.

Answered By: Eog