How to combine dataframe rows, and combine their string column into list?


Say I have a Pandas dataframe:

index  name      A
0      one       a
1      two       a
2      one       b
3      two       a

How can I merge rows with identical ‘name’ so that the new column A is a list of all the A associated with each ‘name’? So, the output would be:

index  name      A
0      one       [a, b]
1      two       [a]
Asked By: whyray



Update Answer

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name' : ['one', 'two', 'one', 'two'],
    'A' : ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a'],
    'B': ['a', 'b', 'a', 'a']

df['COLUMN_MERGE'] = df['A'].astype(str) + ' ' + df['B'].astype(str)
df = df.groupby(['name'])['COLUMN_MERGE'].apply(set).apply(list).reset_index(name = 'Distinct_Merge')
Answered By: ArchAngelPwn