Installing modules in jupyterlab online try online


I am not from IT background and learning python for data analysis and biostats.
I started using jupyterlab ( I can install and import few modules like pandas and numpy but can’t install ipysheet. I tried few ways like using pip,%pip, piplite.install() but all attempts failed. Can you kindly suggest a way out?
Or if you can suggest a way to use spyder online without installation? Many thanks.

Asked By: Clinical Info



You probably should install python or use Google Colab instead. Now you are using jupyterLite which is based on Pyodide. Pyodide doesn’t support the installation of any python package. but Google Colab uses a real python kernel.

you can install your packages on Colab with:

!pip install some-package-name
Answered By: Nima Afshar

Adding to answer 1 since I cannot comment. You don’t necessarily have to switch to colab.

You can actually install packages on a Jupyterlite page with %pip install my_package_name in a cell just like in a modern jupyter interface.

This is if you’re lucky and either your package and all of its dependencies are pure python, or someone already added your package onto micropip (the equivalent of pip for pyodide packages).

If the package you want to build is not on micropip, then it is a bit harder. You have to make wheels for wasm32 for your specific package. This is documented in pyodide docs here :

I followed the Rust+python part which was fairly ok, cannot say anything about the other cases but it should be good. One point though, be careful: only python 3.10 works in pyodide at the time I’m writing this (04-2023), I missed it in the docs. So you’ll have to build for python 3.10.*.

When you have the wheels, add them in a folder called content at the root of your jupyterlite directory and either run jupyter lite build again or push on your hosted repo if you’re using the demonstration template from jupyterlite.

Then you can install it from the jupyterlite notebook with

import micropip
await micropip.install("emfs:" + "path_to_my_wheels.whl") # note that this takes strings and not pathlike objects

The "emfs:" part is because anything in a content folder ends up in the Emscripten file system.

Answered By: Manon