ValueError: install DBtypes to use this function


I’m using BigQuery for the first time.

client.list_rows(table, max_results = 5).to_dataframe();

Whenever I use to_dataframe() it raises this error:

ValueError: Please install the ‘db-dtypes’ package to use this function.

I found this similar problem (almost exactly the same), but I can’t understand how to implement their proposed solution.

Asked By: Rocklon1427



I was able to replicate your use case as shown below.
enter image description here

Easiest solution is to pip install db-dtypes as mentioned by @MattDMo.

Or you can specify previous version of google-cloud-bigquery by creating a requirements.txt with below contents:


And then pip install by using command as shown below:

pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

Output of my sample replication:
enter image description here

Answered By: Scott B

The most robust way to resolve this is to specify that you also want to install the pandas extra dependencies when installing the google-cloud-bigquery package. You’d do this by

  • running pip install 'google-cloud-bigquery[pandas]', or
  • putting e.g. google-cloud-bigquery[pandas]==2.34.3 in your requirements.txt.
Answered By: Eric Hansander

Make sure pandas is installed.

Answered By: plhn