Discord.py: How to send a message without using async and await


How can I create a function (without async) that sends a message to a specific channel every time it (the function) gets executed somewhere in the code?

def sendMsg():
    channel = client.getChannel(Channel id)
    message.channel.send("example message")
    #excecuting the function

Doesn’t do anything

async def on_message():
    await message.channel.send("example message")

Only this one works

So my question is if I can modify the code on the top make it work?

Asked By: UndercoverDog



Async is really needed for synchronize the message

If your wanna make it as selfbot response message, do

# Import's here
from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', help_command=None, self_bot=True)

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith("Hello"):
       await message.channel.send(f"Hi @{message.author}")

bot.run('token ofc', bot=False)

Anyways this for selfbot if you wanna do it with bots, delete self_bot=True and bot=False

Answered By: Ender Gaming 1458

If you need to send the message outside of an async context, you need to add the task into the event loop. Note that when you "call" a coroutine, you get the actual coroutine object. "Calling" it doesn’t actually run the coroutine, you need to put it in the event loop for it to run.


# use it like this
asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(message.channel.send("example message"))
Answered By: Eric Jin

Eric’s answer is correct. Moreover, in order to get the loop event from discord.py, you can use client.loop to get discord.py’s asyncio eventloop

that said, use asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(def,loop) to safely submit task to event_loop

client = discord.Client()
async def send_message_to_specific_channel(message='abc',id=123):
  channel = client.get_channel(id)
  await channel.send(message)

Answered By: darcnix