Jupyter Lab Render button disable


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There is a green button call ‘Render with panel ‘ in my ‘Jupyer lab’ and I’m trying to get rid of it, not sure where its come from.

Things I’ve tried:

the jupyter labextension disable didn’t work

Asked By: kata1000



That icon comes from the Panel Extension, ‘Panel: A high-level app and dashboarding solution for Python’. It’s part of their visual branding as you should see a larger version in the upper left corner the there.

(Under ‘Things I’ve tried:’, you don’t actually include the specific command you tried running.).
To try and disable it:
Did you try based on here and that suggestion you highlighted under ‘Things I’ve tried’, the following?

jupyter labextension disable @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz

According to a Jupyter Discourse thread by another person puzzling over that icon and how to get rid of it that should work. In fact, I just tried running that command in a terminal in a MyBinder-provided session launched from here & after running it and refreshing the browser window, the panel icon disappeared from the bar at the top of notebooks.

You could surely get rid of it by making an environment for your Jupyter where you don’t install it. And then work there.

Answered By: Wayne

@kata1000 please be aware, that this extension is responsible not only for the Panel button, but also for some integration between the Panel package and the JupyterLab. So disabling it would also break the Panel dynamic interactivity, at least when viewing the Panel as cell output.

Answered By: Yevgeny Kungurov