Access python interpreter in VSCode version controll when using pre-commit


I’m using pre-commit for most of my Python projects, and in many of them, I need to use pylint as a local repo. When I want to commit, I always have to activate python venv and then commit; otherwise, I’ll get the following error:

- hook id: pylint
- exit code: 1

Executable `pylint` not found

When I use vscode version control to commit, I get the same error; I searched about the problem and didn’t find any solution to avoid the error in VSCode.

This is my typical .pre-commit-config.yaml:

-   repo:
    rev: 21.9b0
    - id: black
      language_version: python3.8
      exclude: admin_web/
-   repo: local
    -   id: pylint
        name: pylint
        entry: pylint
        language: python
        types: [python]
         - --rcfile=.pylintrc

Asked By: Mehdi



you have ~essentially two options here — neither are great (language: system is kinda the unsupported escape hatch so it’s on you to make those things available on PATH)

you could use a specific path to the virtualenv entry: venv/bin/pylint — though that will reduce the portability.

or you could start vscode with your virtualenv activated (usually code .) — this doesn’t always work if vscode is already running

disclaimer: I created pre-commit

Answered By: Anthony Sottile

I found a great solution. Use poetry!

When you are using poetry, you can easily access your environment by using poetry run command. That’s the trick to accessing local pylint.

Here is an example using poetry; everything is the same except language and entry:

    - repo:
      rev: 21.9b0
          - id: black
            language_version: python3.8
            exclude: admin_web/
    - repo: local
          - id: pylint
            name: pylint
            entry: poetry run pylint # was pylint before
            language: system # was python before
            types: [python]
                - --rcfile=.pylintrc

And works like a charm in VScode!

Answered By: Mehdi