Python – RabbitMQ Pika consumer – How to use async function as callback


I have the following code where I initialize a consumer listening to a queue.

consumer = MyConsumer()
    exchange_name="my-jobs", queue_name="my-jobs", routing_key="jobs"
consumer.consume_messages(queue="my-jobs", callback=consumer.consume)

The problem is that the consume method is defined as follows:

async def consume(self, channel, method, properties, body):

Inside the consume method, we need to await async functions, but this produces an error "coroutine is not awaited" for the consume function. Is there a way to use async function as a callback in pika?

Asked By: sissythem



I annotated my callback with @sync where sync is:

def sync(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(f(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper

(found it here for celery, but it worked with pika too)

Answered By: sissythem

I had a similar doubt, I ended up using AsyncioConnection adapter.

class Consumer:
  def __init__(self, loop, ...):
    self._loop = loop
    self._in_flight_tasks = set()

  def connect(self):
    return AsyncioConnection(


  async def _handle_message(...):
  def on_message(self, _unused_channel, basic_deliver, properties, body):
      task = self._loop.create_task(self._handle_message(tag, properties, body))


Note that I’m passing the event loop to the consumer. I create it with asyncio.new_event_loop() on the top of my app. I am not sure if that’s required but may be as it seems like Pika us using some custom event loop implementation by default.

Most of the consumer code is taken from Pika examples.

For the explanation on why the tasks are added to a set and then discarded see here.

Answered By: Paweł Kordek
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