Programmatically Execute Cell Jupyter VSCode


I am looking for a way to programmatically replicate the Run Cell Below functionality VS code.

Previously, I used Jupyter through Conda and used the following code:

import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display,Markdown,Javascript,HTML

def run_below(ev):
button = widgets.Button(description="Click to run cells below")

This code worked great, but when I tried to plop it into VSCode, the button just does nothing. I don’t understand much about how the VSCode Jupyter backend works, but I’m imagining it has something do do with the IPython.notebook module not working correctly in this IDE (or perhaps the IPython.display.Javascript module?). I really have no real idea though.

Does anyone know how I could do this in VSCode’s Jupyter implementation?

I have searched for hours on this topic, but have not been able to find a working solution that works. Please let me know if y’all have any ideas.

Environment Info:

Python Version: 3.9.12
VSCode Version: 1.69.0
Jupyter Extension Version: v2022.6.1001902341

Asked By: Brian Keith



It appears that the ability to access the Kernel in VS code is not possible at this time. See the following GitHub issues to see if this has changed at the time of reading:

Similar question migrated to #6918

Issue #6918 that will resolve problem once closed

Answered By: Brian Keith

Not exactly an answer to detailed question but is an answer to the title of the question "Programmatically execute cell jupyter vscode" since I landed on this page searching for how to do this. The following code supports this task – just make sure to hit save CTRL-S if you make changes to cells that are going to be run by the following function since it reads the current version of file from disk

def execute_cell(filepath,cell_number_range=[0]):
    import io
    from  nbformat import current

    with as f:
        nb =, 'json')
    ip = get_ipython()
    for cell_number in cell_number_range:
        #print (cell)
        if cell.cell_type == 'code' : ip.run_cell(cell.input)

also for finding name of current notebook in vscode is easy but not easy in jupyterlab

import os
globals()['__vsc_ipynb_file__'] #full name only in vscode
os.path.basename(globals()['__vsc_ipynb_file__']) #basename only in vscode . globals()['_dh'] #dir in most
Answered By: user15420598