Cannot import tensorflow_text


I have problem with importing tensorflow_text I tried importing like below two methods but none of them worked

import tensorflow_text as text
import tensorflow_text as tf_text

My tensorflow version is 2.9.1 and python version is Python 3.7.13. I tried installing tensorflow_text using below two methods but none of them is working.

!pip install tensorflow-text
!pip install -U tensorflow-text==2.9.0

I am using colab, I also tried reinstalling tensorflow but it still generates below error.

undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1119basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev
Asked By: albert



Update, Sometimes you need to reinstall and update tensorflow then install tensorflow_text. (Because you need your tensorflow.__version__ and tensorflow_text.__version__ to have the same version)

!pip install -U tensorflow
!pip install -U tensorflow-text
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_text as text

# Or install with a specific Version
!pip install -U "tensorflow==2.8.*"
!pip install -U "tensorflow-text==2.8.*"
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_text as text

Old First, install tensorflow-text version 2.8.* like below:

!pip install -q -U "tensorflow-text==2.8.*"

Then import tensorflow-text like below:

import tensorflow_text as text 
Answered By: I'mahdi

I have tried I’mahdi’s answer and it was not working, but the following solution worked for me.

Here are the steps that solved it for me.

  1. Visit the Tensorflow-Text official site (
  2. There is a little scroll bar down the right side RUN IN COLAB NOTEBBOK you will see, click on it (else use this link
  3. In this notebook, change runtime to GPU and RUN cell by cell until the setup section
  4. And then it will work (WAIT)
  5. Delete all other cells except 1st 2 cells of Setup section
  6. Then continue your code…

NOTE: If it didn’t work try do the restart once again from step 1, it will work.

Answered By: Raj

Please use the latest TF version in colab with the below command –
!pip install tensorflow-text==2.13.0
Please restart the runtime post executing the command

Answered By: Nilanjan Dutta
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