Not able to install anaconda on linux, getting error path_to_dir/conda.exe : Permisison denied


I’m trying to install anaconda on my Ubuntu 20.04. It is giving me error

[/home_dir/anaconda3] >>> /mount_path of different_ssd/anaconda3
PREFIX=/mount_path of different_ssd/anaconda3 Unpacking payload … line 407:
/mount_path of different_ssd/anaconda3/conda.exe: Permission denied line 409:
/mount_path of different_ssd/anaconda3/conda.exe: Permission denied

I’m trying to install it on a different SSD. The permissions for the installation folder is

drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4096 Jul 16 14:06 anaconda3

Asked By: pauli



you can change the permission of that specific directory using

sudo chmod -R a+w direcotry/

This will give write permissions to all the users.

Answered By: Deepak Dhaka

My ssd was mounted with options auto,exec,rw,user. After removing user, I was able to install the miniconda3. The comment in this stackoverflow answer gave me the solution to my problem.

Answered By: pauli