'int' object has no attribute 'save' in Django?


I get this error 'int' object has no attribute 'save' when i try to asign a new integer value to a field in my model. I have tried chaging the int to str(250) but i want it to be an integer and not a string

profile_id = request.session.get('ref_profile')
   if profile_id is not None:
       recommended_by_profile = Profile.objects.get(id=profile_id)
       p1 = recommended_by_profile.indirect_ref_earning + 250
Asked By: Destiny Franks



You should do (assuming that indirect_ref_earning is an IntegerField on Profile model):

profile_id = request.session.get('ref_profile')
if profile_id is not None:
   recommended_by_profile = Profile.objects.get(id=profile_id)
   recommended_by_profile.indirect_ref_earning += 250
Answered By: Bartosz Stasiak

You are accessing the save method in an int object, not on the model object hence you are getting that error.

You should do something like this when updating a certain field in your model:

 recommended_by_profile.indirect_ref_earning += 250


p1 = recommended_by_profile.indirect_ref_earning + 250
Answered By: Rodney Mandap