How do I get hex codes to work with tkinter text boxes? The regular colors like "red", "yellow" etc works. But not hex


OS: Windows 10

This is my "texter", it is used to print letter for letter at certain speeds. It takes the text to print, and a text color as arguments. This works perfectly if i write – texter("Hello there", "red")

global charpos
charpos = 1.0
def texter(inserted_text, text_color = "white"):
    global charpos, text
    charpos = (charpos + 1)
    for char in inserted_text:
        text.insert(charpos, f"{char}", text_color)
        charpos += 1.0

However it stops working and only prints white text when I do something like – texter("Hello there", "orange2")

And "orange2" should be a supported color in tkinter, right?

For instance, this code works perfectly:

texter("[Freya]: ", "yellow")
    texter("Well you don't have a choice!nn")

While these examples do not work, and just prints the white text:

texter("[Freya]: ", "snow")
    texter("Well you don't have a choice!nn")

texter("[Freya]: ", "#8E44AD")
    texter("Well you don't have a choice!nn")

This is my first python project, started learning two or three weeks ago so please excuse any other mistakes in my code. Does anyone have any good ideas to why the most basic colors work, but the tkinter "advanced" colors do not, and hex values do not?

I should also mention the hex colors and advanced colors DO WORK when applied to the tkinter main window, or background colors of the textbox I am using, but not on the actual text inside it. I believe my texter function is the problem, but I cannot figure out what it is since it is working with regular colors such as "yellow", "blue", "red", "black" etc.

Asked By: Robin Wright



Do you know what that last argument to insert is? it’s tag name, what you should do, is then configure that tag to the color you want, so basically just add text.tag_config(text_color, foreground=text_color) at the end of the function, also I hope that you understand that you don’t need to insert characters individually and you can just do text.insert(charpos, inserted_text, ...) and then just do charpos += len(inserted_text), so the function now should look like:

charpos = 1.0
def texter(inserted_text, text_color = "white"):
    global charpos
    charpos += 1
    text.insert(charpos, inserted_text, text_color)
    text.tag_config(text_color, foreground=text_color)
    charpos += len(inserted_text)
Answered By: Matiiss

There are a couple of problems with your code.

The first is the declaration of charpos as a float. tkinter.Text widget uses a string of two integers connected by a dot. (1.0 = row 1. column 0). There are methods for calculating cursor position in Text widget.

The second problem is the use of color_text to change foreground color. You need to use text.tag_config(color_text, ...) to declare color_text as a tagname.

Here is a code snippet that demonstrates.

import time
import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()

text = tk.Text(window)
text.grid(sticky = tk.NSEW)

charpos = '1.0'

def waithere(n):
    while n > 0:
        n = n - 0.00005

def texter(inserted_text, text_color = "white"):
    charpos = text.index("end")
    # inform text of new color tag
    text.tag_config(text_color, foreground = text_color)

    for char in inserted_text:
        text.insert(charpos, f"{char}", text_color)
        charpos = text.index(charpos + " + 1c")

# showing off with multiple colors on same line.
for a in range(3):
    texter("Hello ", "black")
    texter("i'm a ", "blue")
    texter("robotn", "red") # linefeed here controls text layout
Answered By: Derek
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