AWS DynamoDB execute_statement Without Data Types in Python


I am using boto3 to query my DynamoDB table using PartiQL,

dynamodb = boto3.client(

resp = dynamodb.execute_statement(Statement='SELECT * FROM TryDaxTable')

Now, the response you get contains a list of dictionaries that looks something like this,

{'some_data': {'S': 'XXX'},
  'sort_key': {'N': '1'},
  'partition_key': {'N': '7'}

Along with the attribute name (e.g. partition_key), you get the data type of the value (e.g. 'N') and then the actual value (e.g. '7'). It can also be seen that value does not actually come in specified data type either (e.g. partition_key is supposed to be a number (N), but the value is a string.

Is there some way I can get my results in a list of dictionaries without the types and also with the types applied?

That would mean something like this,

{'some_data': 'XXX',
  'sort_key': 1,
  'partition_key': 7

Notice that in addition to removing the data types, the values have also been converted to the correct type.

This is a simple record, but more complex ones can have lists and nested dictionaries. More information is available here,

Is there some way that I can get the data in the format I desire?

Or has somebody already written a function to parse the data?

I know there are several questions regarding this posted already, but most of them relate to SDKs in other languages. For instance,

AWS DynamoDB data with and/or without types?

I did not find one that has addressed this issue in Python.

Note: I want to continue to use PartiQL to query my table.

Asked By: Minura Punchihewa



If you can use .resource instead of .client you’ll live at a higher abstraction layer.

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table('name')

You want to use PartiQL which returns the lower-level data format, so you’ll probably have to follow the advice at How to convert a boto3 Dynamo DB item to a regular dictionary in Python?

Answered By: hunterhacker