How to list all classes and methods/functions in a package – with a full folder/file path?


(for the purpose of better understanding the structure of package)

Let’s say we have some package/module (say, somemodule), with the following structure:

      fo(x) # a function
      bar(x) # a function
-- dir1
         A  # a class
            fun(y) # some method
            _bo(y) # some "hidden" method

I would like some output like:

path            name      type
/       fo(x)     function
/       bar(x)    function
/dir1/  A         class
/dir1/  method
/dir1/  A._bo(y)  method

Given that I’m a novice in Python, I have no idea how to go about constructing such information, and would be happy for help.

The closest I found online was:

  • How to list all functions in a module? – which didn’t help enough, since it only shows some functions (not the hidden ones), doesn’t show methods within classes, and doesn’t show file path (i.e.: neither dir, or help, or some of the other suggested functions seem to be up to the task).
  • How do I list all files of a directory? – shows files, but not for a module (not the functions/classes/methods within the object)
Asked By: Tal Galili



Heres an example on how to do it:

import inspect
import TestModule

def recusive_module_search(module):
    members = inspect.getmembers(module)

    for name, member in members:
        if inspect.ismodule(member):
            # Dont go too deep :)
            if member is module:
        elif inspect.isfunction(member):
            file = inspect.getfile(member)
            print(file, function_signature_string(member), "function")
        elif inspect.isclass(member):
            file = inspect.getfile(member)
            print(file, function_signature_string(member), "class")
            class_members = inspect.getmembers(member)
            for name, class_member in class_members:
                if inspect.isfunction(class_member):
                    member_args = inspect.signature(class_member)
                    print(file, member.__name__ + "." + function_signature_string(class_member), "method")

def function_signature_string(member):
    parameters = inspect.signature(member).parameters
    return member.__name__ + "(" + ', '.join(str(x) for x in parameters.values()) + ")"


output: Test(x: int, y: float) class Test.__init__(self, x: int, y: float) method Test.print_x(self) method hi(x: int) function test_fn(hello: str) function

Continue as desired 🙂

Answered By: Tom McLean

try dir(module) if there are sub modules you have to iterate and traverse in all classes

Answered By: Kaleab Nigusse

The above solution is great when the package references relevant functions/methods. But if they are not invoked by __init__, then they won’t be listed.

After a bunch of digging I came up with the following solution. Probably not ideal, but worked for my use-case, so I’m re-sharing it here for others to use/improve upon.

def get_functions_and_methods(path):
    Given a .py file path - returns a list with all functions and methods in it.

    import ast

    with open(path) as file:
        node = ast.parse(

    def show_info(functionNode):
        function_rep = ''
        function_rep = + '('

        for arg in functionNode.args.args:
            function_rep += arg.arg + ','

        function_rep = function_rep.rstrip(function_rep[-1])
        function_rep += ')'
        return function_rep

    result = []
    functions = [n for n in node.body if isinstance(n, ast.FunctionDef)]
    classes = [n for n in node.body if isinstance(n, ast.ClassDef)]

    for function in functions:

    for class_ in classes:
        methods = [n for n in class_.body if isinstance(n, ast.FunctionDef)]
        for method in methods:
            result.append(( + '.' + show_info(method)))

    # print(', '.join(result))
    return result
    # This prints expected output
    # fo(x),,y), A._bo(self,y), A.NS(y,z),,z), B._bar(self,t)

# Get paste to work (but it doesn't recycle :( )
# source:
from functools import reduce
def _reduce_concat(x, sep=""):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + sep + str(y), x)        
def paste(*lists, sep=" ", collapse=None):
    result = map(lambda x: _reduce_concat(x, sep=sep), zip(*lists))
    if collapse is not None:
        return _reduce_concat(result, sep=collapse)
    return list(result)

# this fails with recycling:
# paste("Hello", ["Ben", "Mike"]) # ['H Ben', 'e Mike'] # not what we want.
# paste(["Hello"], ["Ben", "Mike"]) # ['Hello Ben'] # not what we want.
# paste("a", ["Ben", "Mike"]) # ['a Ben'] # not what we want.

# gets all the py files from a root folder (excluding tests)
def get_all_py_files_no_tests(root):
    result = []

    # based on:
    for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root):
        for name in files:
            if name[-3:] == '.py' and ('tests' not in path):
                result.append(os.path.join(path, name))
                # print(os.path.join(path, name))
    return result

def merge_py_file_and_funcs(py_file):
    import numpy as np

    funcs = get_functions_and_methods(py_file)
    py_file_recycled = np.repeat(py_file, len(funcs))

    return paste(py_file_recycled, funcs)

def flatten(l):
    # source:
    return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]

def get_all_fun_from_root(root):
    py_files = get_all_py_files_no_tests(root)
    all_combos = flatten([merge_py_file_and_funcs(py_file) for py_file in py_files])
    return all_combos

# source:
def search_replace_in_list(words, search = "", replace = ""):
    return [w.replace(search, replace) for w in words]
# search_replace_in_list(["abs", "abbfe"], "b", "_b_")
# ['a_b_s', 'a_b__b_fe']

def given_pkg_return_funs_and_methods(pkg):
    if type(pkg) is str:
        pkg_folder = pkg
        # Source:
        import os
        import inspect

        pkg_folder = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(pkg))
    all_items = get_all_fun_from_root(pkg_folder)
    cleaned_all_items = search_replace_in_list(all_items, pkg_folder)
    return cleaned_all_items

Example of usage:

import numpy

This returns:

['/ get_info(name)',
 '/ show)',
 '/ _NoValueType.__new__(cls)',
 '/ _NoValueType.__reduce__(self)',
 '/ _NoValueType.__repr__(self)',
 '/ _show_numpy_info)',
 '/ PytestTester.__init__(self,module_name)',
 '/ PytestTester.__call__(self,label,verbose,extra_argv,doctests,coverage,durations,tests)',
 '/ pytest_configure(config)',
 '/ pytest_addoption(parser)',
 '/ pytest_sessionstart(session)',
 '/ pytest_itemcollected(item)',
 '/ check_fpu_mode(request)',
 '/ add_np(doctest_namespace)',
 '/ _num_fromflags(flaglist)',
 '/ _flags_fromnum(num)',
##### Etc...

Nicer printing can be done using something like:

import some_package # or use `some_package = adirectpath`
all_fun = given_pkg_return_funs_and_methods(some_package)
for i in all_fun:

This solution used the following stackoverflow references:

Answered By: Tal Galili
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