Character set 'utf8' unsupported in python mysql connector


I’m trying to connect my database to a python project using the MySQL connector.

However, when using the code below,

import mysql.connector

mydb =  mysql.connector.MySQLConnection(


I encounter the following error:

mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Character set ‘utf8’ unsupported

I tried to find out why this is happening and I’m getting the same error always.

MySQL Connector version – 8.0.30

I’d appreciate any help. Thank you in advanced!

Asked By: Veen



You can try to encode your password with ("%T5687j5IiYe").encode("utf-8") .

Answered By: Nicholas Leong

I ran into the same issue. There were apparently some changes in version 8.0.30 to the way utf8_ collations are handled (see MySQL Connector release notes). I installed version 8.0.29 which fixed the issue for me.

pip3 install mysql-connector-python==8.0.29
Answered By: Niklas

I thought I’d pop in my two cents here. I could be wrong however…

This error I believe will not appear to occur on MYSQL versions higher than 5.5.3,
this is because the utf8mb4 character set was introducted.

The utf8mb4 character set has been added. This is similar to utf8, but
its encoding allows up to four bytes per character to enable support
for supplementary characters.

However if you are running MySQL versions lower than 5.5.3
The Python connector version (8.0.30) will try to alias utf8 to utf8mb4 (which obliviously doesn’t exist yet for versions less than 5.5.3) as stated in its release notes.

Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.30 (2022-07-26, General

..This also makes utf8 an alias to utf8mb4. ..

Because of this alias issue, the following error will occur

mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Character set ‘utf8’

What the error really means I believe is

mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Character set ‘utf8mb4’

For fixing this issue I’d say wait on a previous version as suggested by the answer above or upgrading mysql above 5.5.3 (although not really an option for most people).

Answered By: Very berry

If you are using a MySQL connector to connect a MariaDB server, you have to switch to the correct connector:

  1. install MariaDB connector:
$ pip3 install mariadb
  1. change your code to add import mariadb and mariadb.connect. After this step your code should be as the following:
import mariadb
mydb =  mariadb.connect(


And voila 🙂

/! Do not downgrade to an older MySQL connector, some other day you will have more problems…

Answered By: Ricain

In MySQL connector 8.0.30, utf8 character set is renamed to utf8mb3, and utf8 now is an alias for utf8mb4.
Try this just in case:

import mysql.connector

mydb =  mysql.connector.MySQLConnection(

Answered By: mpsroars17