How do I fix this RegEx pattern, in order to extract all possible occurrences of a substring within a string that match this regex pattern?


My goal with this code is to replace only the occurrences of a substring that are preceded and followed by a specific pattern (to establish that pattern I have come up with the use of RegEx)

Actually I have already tried in many ways and I have not got good results, here I have used the compile() method to compile the RegEx pattern found in the input string into a regex pattern object (basically I extract ‘one by one the occurrences of the substring’ that I want to modify that meet the conditions of the RegEx pattern).

Then I can simply use the replace() function to, forgive the redundancy, replace the extracted substrings with the substring that I want

import re

input_text = "y creo que hay 55 y 6 casas, y quizas alguna mas... yo creo que empezaria entre la 1 ,y las 27"

#the string with which I will replace the desired substrings in the original input string
content_fix = " "

##This is the regex pattern that tries to establish the condition in which the substring should be replaced by the other
#pat = re.compile(r"b(?:previous string)s*string that i needs*(?:string below)?", flags=re.I, )
#pat = re.compile(r"ds*(?:y)s*d", flags=re.I, )
pat = re.compile(r"ds*(?:, y |,y |y )s*(?:las d|la d|d)", flags=re.I, )

x = pat.findall(input_text)
print(*map(str.strip, x), sep="n") #it will print the substrings, which it will try to replace in the for cycle
content_list = []
content_list.append(list(map(str.strip, x)))
for content in content_list[0]:
    input_text = input_text.replace(content, content_fix) # "d y d"  ---> "d d"


This is the output that I get:

'y creo que hay 5  casas, y quizas alguna mas... yo creo que empezaria entre la  7'

And this is the correct output that I need:

'y creo que hay 55 6 casas, y quizas alguna mas... yo creo que empezaria entre la 1 27'

What changes should I make to my RegEx so that it extracts the correct substrings and suits the goals of this code?


I came up with something and this is the best I could get :). You may find a way to improve it.
import re

input_text = "y creo que hay 55 y 6 casas, y quizas alguna mas... yo creo que empezaria entre la 1 ,y las 27"

print(re.sub(r"(?<=d).+?(?=d)", " ", input_text))

The output will look like this:

Output form

Maybe you will find a way to improve the expression or someone will..

Answered By: Just someone
input_text = "y creo que hay 55 y 6 casas, y quizas alguna mas... 
yo creo que empezaria entre la 1 ,y las 27"

re.sub(r'((d+s+)ys+(d+))| ((d+s+),ys+w{3}s+(d+))', r'23 56', input_text)

y creo que hay 55 6  casas, y quizas alguna mas... yo creo que empezaria entre la 1 27
Answered By: LetzerWille