Passing a function as an argument using internal parameters


I am just wondering if there is a solution to pass a function (fn2) as an argument (of fn1), and this function would use the internal parameters of the initial function (fn1)

For example:

def fn2(a: str):
    print("fn2 string print", a)

def fn1(fn()):
    b = "fn1 string going to pass to fn2"

This example is kinda stupid but it illustrate I think what I have in mind. I completely understand that in the current way it’s written it would not work at all but is there a way to do that ?

For a more real example, I am working on creating a "general plotting function" that would take axes from other functions and add them to a final figure such as:

colors = {
    "royalblue": (25, 41, 88),
    "pink": (255, 192, 203),
    "darkorange": (100, 55, 0),
    "indianred": (205, 92, 92),
    "forestgreen": (34, 139, 34),
    "dimgrey": (105, 105, 105),

def ax_regions(
    sgm_dict: dict,
    ax: plt.Axes,
) -> plt.Axes:
    Plot the regions for a dictionary of regions (keys)
    and coordinates (values)

        - sgm_dict (dict): segment dictionary with region and coordinates
        - ax (plt.Axes): axes to write onto

    for idx, (sname, scoords) in enumerate(sgm_dict.items()):
            scoords[:, 0], scoords[:, 1], label=sname, color=list(colors.keys())[idx]
    return ax

def frame_region_plot(
    frame: np.ndarray,
    title: str = "Plot",
    fname: Union[str, bool] = False,
    savedir: Union[str, bool] = False,
    """Regions plot

        - frame (np.ndarray): image to overlay the region onto
        - title (str): title of the plot
        - fname (Union[str, bool], optional): File name when saving. Defaults to False.
        - savedir (Union[str, bool], optional): Saving directory path. Defaults to False.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.imshow(frame, cmap="bone")

    for d in data:
        fig.axes.append(fn(d, ax))


    handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
    by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles))
    plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())


    if savedir:
        savedir = os.path.join(savedir, " ")

In this example, I’d like to pass the ax_regions() function as an argument to the frame_region_plot() function.

How would that be possible ?

Asked By: Unic0



I’m not sure I have understood what you want.
For example this:

def fn2(a: str):
    print("fn2 string print", a)

def fn1(func):
    b = "fn1 string going to pass to fn2"


Outputs this: fn2 string print fn1 string going to pass to fn2

If this is what you want, you can simply call the function fn2 inside fn1

Answered By: M3tex