Parsing a pre tag in html, how to append the indented text to the previous line in Python


Example URL

Currently I’m splitting each individual clump of metadata by every blank line, then converting to a dictionary splitting on the first colon using the string before as the key and the string after as the value. THE ISSUE I’m running is that I am going line by line through each package metadata, some lines do not have colons and I want to append that to the previous value as one complete string.

    response = requests.get(

    package_list = response.text.split('nn')

    package_dict = {
        package_list.split(':')[0]: package_list.split(':')[1] for package in package_list
Asked By: Dylan Welzel



Try using regex to parse the data:

import re
import requests

url = ""
data = requests.get(url).text

pat = re.compile(
    r"^([^s][^:]*): (.+?)s*(?=^[^s][^:]*:|Z)", flags=re.S | re.M

out = []
for chunk in data.split("nn"):
    if chunk:



        "Package": "a4",
        "Version": "1.44.0",
        "Depends": "a4Base, a4Preproc, a4Classif, a4Core, a4Reporting",
        "Suggests": "MLP, nlcv, ALL, Cairo, Rgraphviz, GOstats",
        "License": "GPL-3",
        "MD5sum": "cc696d3373a9f258d293f2d966da11d5",
        "NeedsCompilation": "no",
        "Title": "Automated Affymetrix Array Analysis Umbrella Package",
        "Description": "Umbrella package is available for the entire Automatedn        Affymetrix Array Analysis suite of package.",
        "biocViews": "Microarray",
        "Author": "Willem Talloen [aut], Tobias Verbeke [aut], Laure Cougnaudn        [cre]",
        "Maintainer": "Laure Cougnaud <[email protected]>",
        "git_url": "",
        "git_branch": "RELEASE_3_15",
        "git_last_commit": "5b0fc5a",
        "git_last_commit_date": "2022-04-26",
        "Date/Publication": "2022-04-26",
        "source.ver": "src/contrib/a4_1.44.0.tar.gz",
        "win.binary.ver": "bin/windows/contrib/4.2/",
        "mac.binary.ver": "bin/macosx/contrib/4.2/a4_1.44.0.tgz",
        "vignettes": "vignettes/a4/inst/doc/a4vignette.pdf",
        "vignetteTitles": "a4vignette",
        "hasREADME": "FALSE",
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        "hasINSTALL": "FALSE",
        "hasLICENSE": "FALSE",
        "Rfiles": "vignettes/a4/inst/doc/a4vignette.R",
        "dependencyCount": "82"
        "Package": "a4Base",
        "Version": "1.44.0",
        "Depends": "a4Preproc, a4Core",
        "Imports": "methods, graphics, grid, Biobase, annaffy, mpm, genefilter,n        limma, multtest, glmnet, gplots",
        "Suggests": "Cairo, ALL, hgu95av2.db, nlcv",
        "Enhances": "gridSVG, JavaGD",
        "License": "GPL-3",
        "MD5sum": "094c0a1c87b18ff8f16a3dbe4d06da64",
        "NeedsCompilation": "no",
        "Title": "Automated Affymetrix Array Analysis Base Package",
        "Description": "Base utility functions are available for the Automatedn        Affymetrix Array Analysis set of packages.",
        "biocViews": "Microarray",
        "Author": "Willem Talloen [aut], Tine Casneuf [aut], An De Bondt [aut],n        Steven Osselaer [aut], Hinrich Goehlmann [aut], Willemn        Ligtenberg [aut], Tobias Verbeke [aut], Laure Cougnaud [cre]",
        "Maintainer": "Laure Cougnaud <[email protected]>",
        "git_url": "",
        "git_branch": "RELEASE_3_15",
        "git_last_commit": "9ae69e0",
        "git_last_commit_date": "2022-04-26",
        "Date/Publication": "2022-04-26",
        "source.ver": "src/contrib/a4Base_1.44.0.tar.gz",
        "win.binary.ver": "bin/windows/contrib/4.2/",
        "mac.binary.ver": "bin/macosx/contrib/4.2/a4Base_1.44.0.tgz",
        "hasREADME": "FALSE",
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        "hasINSTALL": "FALSE",
        "hasLICENSE": "FALSE",
        "dependsOnMe": "a4",
        "suggestsMe": "epimutacions",
        "dependencyCount": "73"
...and so on.
Answered By: Andrej Kesely