Export multiple dataframes in one excel tab


I need to Export or save pandas multiple Dataframe in one excel tab. Let’s suppose my df’s are below and need to export it the same way in the excel all together in one tab.

Id  Name    Rank
1   Scott   4
2   Jennie  8
3   Murphy  1

Id  Name    Rank
1   John     14
2   Brown    18
3   Claire   11

Id  Name    Rank
1   Shenzen   84
2   Dass      58
3   Ghouse    31

Id  Name    Rank
1   Zen     104
2   Ben     458
3   Susuie  198
Asked By: Josh



You can loop through a list of your dfs and use pandas.ExcelWriter :

import pandas as pd

list_df = [df1, df2, df3, df4]
df1.name = 'df1'
df2.name = 'df2'
df3.name = 'df3'
df4.name = 'df4'

sr = 0

with pd.ExcelWriter('your_excel_name.xlsx') as writer:
    for df in list_df:
        df.to_excel(writer, startrow=sr, sheet_name='your_sheet_name', index=False)
        workbook  = writer.book
        worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
        title = df.name + ':'
        worksheet.write(sr-1, 0, title)
        sr += (df.shape[0] + 3)

Note : The dataframes will be put in the same sheet and separated by one single empty row. You can adjust this by changing the value of (df.shape[0] + 3).

Output (in Excel)

enter image description here

Edit :

If you wanna keep only one header for all the dataframes, use this :

sr = df1.shape[0]+4
with pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx') as writer:
    df1.to_excel(writer, startrow=1, index=False)
    workbook  = writer.book
    worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
    title = df1.name + ':'
    worksheet.write(0, 0, title)
    for df in list_df[1:]:
        df.to_excel(writer, startrow=sr, index=False, header=False)
        workbook  = writer.book
        worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
        title = df.name + ':'
        worksheet.write(sr-1, 0, title)
        sr += (df.shape[0] + 2)
Answered By: L'Artiste
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